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Yoga Teacher Training Ecuador

Do you want to experience the holistic Tantric yogic path to becoming your own guru?

Do you want to learn how to connect with your sexual energy to create a deeper intimacy from the power of the heart?

Do you want to learn tantric and shamanic rituals for self empowerment?

Do you want to understand that life is art and you can create your own reality?

Do you want to learn how to trust in community while you can be not only blissful but also accepted for your anger, sadness and fear?

Would you like to discover bliss in everyday moments?

Become a creative, vulnerable and powerful Yoga Teacher!

Die Lehrer

Daniela Iris Wind Malin & 4 Mehr...


  • Daily yoga practices and morning meditation sessions
  • Mantra chanting, chakra, and pranayama
  • Eligible to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion
  • Heyoca, art, and Durga’s Tiger dance
  • Tantric and shamanistic rituals and Temazcal ceremony
  • Applied Tantric philosophy classes
  • 41 nights accommodation
  • Daily vegetarian meals


  • Anfänger
  • Fortgeschrittene
  • Experte


41 Tage Unterricht auf Englisch
Der Veranstalter spricht auch: Spanisch
Gruppengröße: Maximal 29 Teilnehmer
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Zeit zum Einchecken:
Zeit zum Auschecken:


  • Umweltfreundlich
  • Kamin
  • Garten
  • Küche
  • Terrasse
  • Yoga Shala
  • Yoga Studio

Casa Kiliku opens its' doors as an ashram where you will live in community, share meals, share spaces, karma yoga, and experience life at this unique ashram.

Every space is unique; the houses are built of materials from the volcano with bricks, adobe and wood. Enjoy time on the expansive terrace and chat with others or find peace in the hammock, reading or quietly meditating while the treetops dance in the wind. It is pure luxury to offer a retreat place in a rural environment at the edge of the ecological reserve, and so close to the center of Quito.

The Ashram is at peace with its' surroundings; a gathering house were a sustainable approach to living is encouraged. Accommodation will be in double or triple rooms in one of the eclectic houses. Each room is equipped with a bathroom and hot shower. A common kitchen and eating space is located off the terrace where you can share meals and enjoy the view.

Ashrams represent a return to a simpler way of living, sometimes much different from living in a hotel. The space sustains itself, each group comes together in a communal atmosphere; the expectation that everyone will pitch in with whatever needs doing.


The course at Durga’s Tiger School is more than a yoga teacher training, it is an intense transformational experience. In the Tantric perspective, we are all related through experience. These experiences in turn help us discover deeper, our true nature. Through this training, you may discover the barriers and blockages, unlock your potential to feel. When we start feeling, we realize everything is sacred, and from here we begin to dance with life.

Balancing Kaula Tantra Yoga practice, Shamanism, Theatre Arts techniques, and dynamic group work; the different aspects of the training help to realize a more profound self-encounter.

You will learn, not only to share the Yoga discipline from the heart but also to work energetically in connection with what is around you.

Ancient Tantric teachings meet Neo-Tantric practices; combined they lead you into a new way of relating with the world around you. You will learn concrete tools that you can easily integrate daily. Through experiential learning you will subtly break open the basics of Yoga Philosophy, yamas, niyamas and the eight-limb path in such a way that you will understand where they arise in your life and practice. 

Saying YES to Durga’s Tiger School is a jump into trusting the flow of existence… are you in?


Our international team of passionate Yogis and teachers have over 60 years of experience and specialized in different fields. Together they effectively provide a safe space where your process is honored and guided.

We are a rotating team to keep the energy high and fresh in the trainings during the whole year.

"Durga’s Tiger School" YogaTeacherTrainings have been recognized several times for one of the top trainings worldwide for 200 and 500 hours.


Students who complete the training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).


  • The course content is focused on Kaula Tantra Yoga
  • Other techniques explored:

Meditations, Chakra work, Bandhas, Pranayama, Kriya Yoga, Hatha Yoga

  • Other practices:

Heyoca - the shamanic clown, Expressive arts of the being, Shamanic practices, Tantric & Shamanic ritual, Durga’s Tiger Dance, Applied Tantra Philosophy, & Mantra chanting


In the first 200hrs you learn to teach the Kaula Tantra Yoga Session in a basic form. The focus lies in experimenting the effects and changes inside yourself. Is a very personal process you go through. Going on with 100 hrs of training more for your 300hrs certificate the process starts to root inside of you, and you can feel the difference in your subtle bodies, too. You get more and more relaxed in your everyday life, becoming more conscious of what is happening to you. You learn how you create your emotions and how to make decisions that help you to change towards the reality you want to experience. You learn how to melt personal patterns which are stopping you from living fully.

  • daily: morning meditations and kaula tantra yoga classes
  • Once a week – 1/2 hours blocks of: Pranayama class, Mantra and sacred songs class, Durga’s Tiger Dance class, Psycology of Chakras class
  • Once a week – 3 / 4 hours blocks of: Applied tantric philosophy class, Intuitive Anatomy class, another yoga form such as partner yoga, acro yoga or hatha yoga, Arts class or Shamanism class
  • Weekly community experiences: Karma yoga, Taking stick, Heart to heart communication

Kaula Tantra Yoga

Kaula Tantra Yoga is a unique sequence that follows a lineage of 5000 years. The series taught at Durga’s Tiger School is delivered directly from the teachings of Bhagavan Shanmuka Anantha Natha at Shri Kali yoga, in India.

This practice works through a deep relaxation where students learn the feeling of flowing into asana without struggle, while each asana is practiced in a slow manner to build patience and awareness of body movement. In this way, each individual finds their unique way of expressing the asana without the pressure of competition or ‘performing perfectly’.

Tantra Yoga facilitators approach students as whole human beings and discourage ‘isolating’ or forcing muscles. Their priority is to hold a space of acceptance and love, with reserved guidance when necessary.

This type of yoga is a meditative flow, completed by the practice of bandha holds, pranayama, mantra chanting, and Samadhi, through seated meditation to develop a deeper form of yogic understanding.

During their time at Durga’s Tiger School, students will explore Tantra yogic lifestyle, philosophy, and arts.

Kundalini Yoga

Through Kundalini yoga, students learn another approach to the energy work in yoga. Students explore kriyas, pranayama, chakras theory. Students explore and cultivate the energy of the two poles, masculine and feminine inside of themselves and all around. Please note that kundalini yoga at our school, IS NOT based on the teachings of Yogi Bajan

Hatha Yoga

In Hatha Yoga practice students move the stagnation of the body and mind. Through asana, meditation, pranayama and yogic philosophy we meet our physical and spiritual strength that cultivates the energy that empowers our lives. This practice is complimentary to Tantra Yoga as it gives students a perspective of a different yogic style enabling students to gain a deeper understanding of both Hatha and Tantra.

Durga’s Tiger Dance

is a form of movement developed by Iris Disse based on yoga energy work and different dance styles. This is another form through which students can explore creativity and relaxation through body movement combined with voice work.

Shamanism & Andean Cosmovision

As we are living in Ecuador with a huge American Indian population, students have the opportunity to learn about Andean culture, its Cosmovision, and the similarities with the Tibetan Tantric tradition.

The parallels are slowly unveiled, weaving together both understandings of energy, astrology, subtle anatomy and physiology of the bodies.

Shamanic Clown — Between Ritual and Play

is an energetic fusion of techniques such as improvisation, clowning, dancing, musical/rhythm work, meditation, and practical shamanism. Through these exercises, you can integrate the foundations of ART into LIFE.

Some themes we work in are connecting with the inner child, connecting with intuition, developing right brain activity to enhance lateral thinking, releasing old patterns and blockages, opening senses to the present moment, and group work that fosters loving, compassionate ways of relating.

With these skills you begin to increase your creativity and may open to a new perspective completely.

Applied Tantric Wisdom

These classes are a powerful opportunity for self-discovery through dynamic group and partner work.

Please note there is no nudity or sexual contact.

We come together to open to life; learning to embrace the dual nature of reality, dancing between beauty, chaos, magic, intensity, and intimacy - we begin to make a clear connection between yoga, sacred sexuality, and art.

How can I integrate the liveliness of new experiences into my everyday life and relations?

Intuitive Anatomy and Physiology

We will approach the vision and methodology of the Kaula Tantra yoga practice in these classes. We will develop a connection with our inner body intelligence, learn how to read it better, and act according to its current needs.

It’s about the combined powers of the mind and the physical body and the effect of being totally in harmony with the messages we perceive from our bodies in each moment.

Partner Yoga

We will discover the joy and the importance of support and be supported, through this experiencing the delight of giving and receiving. The challenge being, how do you cultivate and care for your sacred space, but also nurture your partner’s needs and desires?

In these classes we will continue to work with the asanas of the Kaula Tantra series; through the tantric wisdom approach, we cultivate focus in presence, senses, connection, and body communication. Through these functions, we enter into the dance of Shiva and Shakti.

(select courses will feature Partner Yoga)

Yogic Walking Massage

Derived from Ayurvedic wisdom this ancient foot massage was used to prepare warriors for battle as well as open the physical and energetic bodies for the Yoga practice.

Working with partners it’s a very effective, meditative and intuitive way to give and receive before the Yoga practice. The massage activates important Marma Points as well as softens the muscles.

Karma Yoga

is part of the learning process of community life. We help each other to maintain a common space, which by focusing energy in the collective, we come together to maintain a high vibrational space. Through karma yoga, we keep in contact with the Earth (Pachamama) and her fruits while we contributing to the well being of the collective environment.

Living in the ashram enables students to focus intensively on their training, away from everyday tasks and distractions; allowing them to fully immerse themselves in a process of learning and self-discovery.

An energetic group environment is created, enabling students to share their experience and learning processes; in turn, collectively deepening their understanding of tantra and yogic practices.

We ask that you enter the course with an open mind to EXPERIENCE and allow each encounter to guide you to a deeper understanding of your SELF. The knowledge gained through experience is a core part of the Tantric perspective.

Extras and weekend offers

Day trips to hot springs, the mountains, or to Otavalo Market, Ayahuasca or Aguacoya ceremony.


Daniela de Girolamo

Iris Disse

Wind Malin Disse

Christoph Baumann

Carolina Cruz

Jhoselyn Escobar

Bettina Steinle -Vossbeck


We are located in the skirts of Ilalo mountain, above Tumbaco village. Inside the walls of Casa Kiliku you will find an oasis of green and garden away from busy city life. Casa Kiliku is an artist space, each house constructed with eco-techniques, unique to each structure. The goal in building the space was to work with the land and natural desires of the terrain.

We are 10 minutes away from the village and 45 minutes away from the large city of Quito.

You will find the bus conveniently stops at the front door for a quick 15min commute to the village below. There, you have access to groceries, pharmacy, and fresh markets. Alongside the indigenous community, there are a host of international delights on the mountain: the Bio Market (where you can find organic produce, a cup of coffee and vegan treats), Café Arte (coffee, empanadas, fresh bread, and live music), and Villa Ilalo a friendly expat who opens his home (and pizza oven) to the neighborhood each Sunday for a live jam session.



  • Massage


  • Essbereich
  • Umweltfreundlich
  • Kamin
  • Garten
  • Hängematte
  • Küche
  • Rauchfreies Grundstück
  • Spezielles Menu auf Anfrage
  • Terrasse
  • Yoga Shala
  • Yoga Studio


During this training, you will enjoy three vegetarian and locally sourced meals daily. All meals are prepared with love mixing the Ecuadorian tradition with healthy and conscious recipes. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also available. If you have any food allergy or specific dietary need such as vegan or gluten-free, Casa Kiliku can provide a special menu for a supplement of 5 USD per day.

Folgende Mahlzeiten sind inbegriffen:

  • Frühstück
  • Mittagessen
  • Abendessen

Die folgenden Getränke sind enthalten:

  • Wasser
  • Kaffee
  • Tee

Die folgenden Ernährungsweisen stehen zur Verfügung und/oder berücksichtigt werden:

  • Vegetarisch
  • Vegan
  • Glutenfrei
  • Weitere ernährungsspezifische Anforderungen auf Anfrage
Wenn Sie besondere Ernährungsbedürfnisse haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen diese dem Veranstalter bei der Buchung mitzuteilen.

Freizeitaktivitäten und Sehenswürdigkeiten (optional)

During your free time, you can explore the surrounding mountain side. Enjoy a coffee and a chat at Cafe Arte or catch a concert at night. You may choose to relax in the hammock, take a day trips to hot springs, a hike up the mountain, or a trip to Otavalo Market. The bio mercado is located on the other side of the ravine where you can find organic produce, fresh German bread, and vegan treats. After the course, there may be an opportunity (depending on interest) to work with local shamans and medicinal plants of the jungle or the Andes.

Many teachers specialize in a variety of healing arts and Durga's Tiger School for Tantra Yoga Shamanism is thus able to offer at an extra cost, including

  • Abhyanga and Marmas massage
  • Personalized qigong practices
  • Reflexology
  • Relaxing massage
  • Tantric counseling about love, couple, and sexuality
  • Zen shiatsu treatments

Was ist im Preis inbegriffen?

  • All teacher training courses
  • Eligibility to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion of the course
  • Daily yoga classes
  • Dance, art, and shamanism
  • Mantra chanting, meditation, and pranayama
  • Physiology, philosophy, yoga methodology lessons
  • 41 nights accommodation
  • 3 vegetarian meals per day
  • Ecuador taxes

Was ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen?

  • Day trips
  • Extra massage sessions
  • Work with a shaman and medicinal plants
  • Yoga exploration laboratories


Empfohlene Flughäfen

Driving directions from Mariscal Sucre International Airport (UIO)

  • Enter after “Tola Chica” exit (the eighth kilometer).
  • When you get to the bridge that connects with “Calle Carchi”, turn left.
  • If you take the wrong exit and you enter from “Tola Chica”, you will find another bridge where you can turn back and follow a lateral street of Ruta Viva until the bridge that connects with “Calle Carchi”

Driving directions from Quito

  • Enter in Tumbaco through the Interocenica.
  • You will see Santa Mara supermarket on your right and then follow straight on for about one kilometer more.
  • Turn right in the Guayaquil Street on the opposite site of Gasolinera Primax (gas station) by the Semaforo light.
  • Drive towards the Colegio Pachamama.
  • Cross a bridge over Ruta Viva Highway until you get to a big football field in Rumihuaico area (Comuna Leopoldo Chavez).
  • Go straight up to the hill, after 100 meters, the street makes a Y split.
  • Keep right (the opposite direction from Pachamama) uphill on the newly paved road.
  • Follow one and a half kilometers more or less and on the right side, you see a blue house.
  • Casa Kiliku is directly behind it.
  • Look for the little sign that says Casa Kiliku lote 169.

Driving directions from the Ruta Viva

  • Take the exit after “intervals” just after the eighth kilometer.
  • This entrance does not have a sign since it is located between “intervals” exit and “Tola Chica” exit.
  • It goes up to a bridge that connects with “Calle Carchi”.
  • When you arrive up to the bridge, turn right and continue until you reach Rumihuaico football field.
  • Enter in Tumbaco through the Interocenica.
  • You will see Santa Mara supermarket on your right and then follow straight on for about one kilometer more.
  • Turn right in the Guayaquil Street on the opposite site of Gasolinera Primax (gas station) by the Semaforo light.
  • Drive towards the Colegio Pachamama.
  • Cross a bridge over Ruta Viva Highway until you get to a big football field in Rumihuaico area (Comuna Leopoldo Chavez).
  • Go straight up to the hill, after 100 meters, the street makes a Y split.
  • Keep right (the opposite direction from Pachamama) uphill on the newly paved road.
  • Follow one and a half kilometers more or less and on the right side, you see a blue house.
  • Casa Kiliku is directly behind it.
  • Look for the little sign that says Casa Kiliku lote 169.

Arrival by bus

From Quito, you need to go to Rio Coca station and take a bus to Tumbaco. You find public buses to Tumbaco until 6:30 p.m. every day, and from the village, you can get to Durga's Tiger School for Tantra Yoga Shamanism by taxi. You can also ask them for a pick-up taxi which costs 20 USD.


  • Eine Reservierung erfordert eine Anzahlung von 14% des Gesamtpreises.
  • Die Anzahlung wird nicht erstattet, wenn die Buchung storniert wird.
  • Der Restbetrag ist 30 Tage vor der Ankunft zu zahlen.

Unterkunft und Ausstattung
Qualität der Aktivität
Frühbucher Rabatt
Dieses Angebot hat einen early bird Rabatt von 8%, wenn Sie 60 Tage vor dem gewählten Ankunftsdatum buchen.
42 Tage / 41 Nächte
ab --
Samstag, 26 Juli 2025
(42 Tage / 41 Nächte)

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