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Yoga Teacher Training in India

Gurukul Yogashala - The Traditional Yoga School in India, unites all yoga enthusiasts from all over the world, provides 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with the traditional knowledge of yogic science. After completion, students will get 200 Hour YTTC Yoga certificate & YACEP Yin Yoga certificate. This course will help in deeper understanding of – Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar Yoga and Yin Yoga with in-depth knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, Yoga History & Philosophy, Yogic Physiology, Yoga Anatomy, Yin Yoga Meridians, alignment & adjustment, as well as teaching methodology. Students will connect deeper with sound healing / emotional healing / reiki healing sessions and with Ayurveda massage therapy / Naturopathy therapy / Marma therapy workshops. Connect with yourself in the yoga capital of the world – Rishikesh, India and become a certified yoga teacher.

Die Lehrer

Yogi Keshav Ritesh & 8 Mehr...


  • Sound healing session / emotional healing session / Reiki healing session
  • Ayurveda Massage Therapy Session / Naturopathy Session / Marma Therapy Session
  • Daily asana, pranayama, mantra chanting, meditation & Yog Nidra sessions
  • Daily Yoga Philosophy, Yogic Physiology & Alignment Sessions
  • Eligible to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion
  • 26 nights’ accommodation in the ashram
  • Delicious and nutritious vegetarian / vegan brunches and dinners with afternoon tea
  • Complimentary shuttle service from Dehradun Airport to school


  • Anfänger
  • Fortgeschrittene


26 Tage Unterricht auf Englisch
Der Veranstalter spricht auch: Chinesisch (Mandarin), Tschechisch, Dänisch, Niederländisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Hindi, Indonesisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Norwegisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Türkisch, Ukrainisch, Vietnamesisch
Gruppengröße: Maximal 15 Teilnehmer
Flughafentransfer verfügbar:
Chandigarh Airport (US$ 100 pro Person)
Flughafentransfer inklusive: Jolly Grant Airport
Flughafentransfer verfügbar:
Indira Gandhi International Airport (US$ 80 pro Person)
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Zeit zum Einchecken:
Zeit zum Auschecken:


  • Einkaufsmöglichkeiten
  • Klimaanlage in den Zimmern
  • Café
  • Essbereich
  • Umweltfreundlich
  • Garten
  • Küche
  • Lobby
  • Meditationsgarten
  • Mehrsprachiges Personal
  • Restaurant
  • Rauchfreies Grundstück
  • Terrasse
  • Yoga Deck
  • Yoga Shala
  • Yoga Studio
  • Geldautomat / Bank
  • Schönheitssalon
  • Fahrradverleih
  • Autovermietung
  • Lebensmittelgeschäft
  • Geldwechsel
  • Reinigung
  • Kostenloses Parken
  • Kostenloses WLAN
  • Friseur
  • Internetzugang
  • Wäscherei
  • Bibliothek
  • Medizinische Versorgung
  • Gemeinschaftsraum
  • Zeitungen
  • Tourenplanung
  • Drahtloses Internet

Gurukul Yogashala Ashram has private, and shared rooms prepared for yoga students. All have private bathrooms with Western toilets and abundant hot water. At the accommodation, you will find cozy rooms with a garden view, and mountain view with refreshing showers, ample storage space, and complimentary Wi-Fi. Nearby shops conveniently cater to your every need, all within walking distance.

The location of the Gurukul Yogashala Ashram is dedicated in ensuring a clean and harmonious atmosphere throughout your stay, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the surroundings. This provides the ideal backdrop for practicing yoga outdoors while gazing upon the awe-inspiring Himalayas and the sacred Ganges, making it an idyllic setting to call home during your stay.

You will find that daily needs shops, ATMs, healthcare, bike rentals, and cafes are all near the school within walking distance.



Students who complete this training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT). You will also get a Yin Yoga YACEP Certificate.

Know your yoga school in India - Gurukul Yogashala

If you want a traditional 200 hour yoga teacher training in India, then Gurukul Yogashala is the right choice for you. The program is for beginners, intermediate yogis and for those who want in-depth traditional knowledge of Yogic Science. Gurukul Yogashala offers traditional 200, 300 and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with deeper knowledge of Traditional Hatha Yoga, Mysore Style of Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Ayurveda Philosophy, Yoga History & Philosophy, Yogic Physiology, Yoga Anatomy & Physiology, Alignment & Adjustment, Teaching Methodology with Yin Yoga.

Also, this program is for those who want to change their lifestyle with a disciplined routine, organic vegetarian food with daily practical and theoretical classes. This course is a chance for personal growth. Learn self-discipline, stamina, and resilience through spiritual aspects of Yoga.

What makes this 200 Hour Yoga TTC with Yin Yoga TTC unique for you?

With this course, after completion, the students will get 200 Hour YTTC Yoga certificate (to register with Yoga Alliance) with YACEP Yin Yoga Certificate and will be able to teach worldwide.

%There are various other reasons this 200 hour yoga teacher training in India is unique and lets focus on some:

  • With opening Fire / Hawan Ceremony, we welcome students from all over the world where to step into the world of Traditional / Vedic Yoga.
  • Learn deeper about Kundalini Yoga and what are the different practices of Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini Physiology.
  • Learn in depth about Ayurveda and Yogic lifestyle to find a way for the healthier version of yourself by learning about your true prakriti.
  • With specific modules on Yin Yoga - you will not only be able to learn in-depth about Yin Yoga & Yang Yoga Meridians and Philosophy
  • During the training you will learn Hatha Yoga, the traditional yoga and also learn about modern styles of yoga such as Mysore Style Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar Yoga with Yin Yoga.
  • With modules on teaching methodology – you will be able to learn how to structure a class and with teaching practice sessions you will gain practical experience and confidence as well.

What will you gain in your personal life and career with 200 Hour Yoga TTC and Yin Yoga TTC course?

Gurukul Yogashala is the only school in India that is offering YACEP Yin Yoga Certificate along with 200 Hour Yoga TTC Yoga.

You will have an in-depth understanding of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga, Iyengar Yoga with Yin Yoga according to the traditional teachings of Yoga. With deeper learning about Yoga Philosophy, Kundalini Philosophy & Yogic Physiology, Ayurveda Philosophy & Applied Ayurveda you will learn how to apply all these philosophies in your practical day-to-day life.

With understanding of Yoga Anatomy, Alignment & Adjustment and Teaching Methodology, you will learn the right ways to teach yoga worldwide. With daily practices of pranayama, you will prepare your body for dharana & will learn different meditation techniques to help you connect spiritually with yourself.

With deeper connection to yourself, you will be able to improve your relationships maintaining work-life balance by not only prioritizing yourself but others as well. And you will be part of the Gurukul Yogashala family and we help our graduates to stay connected with us lifetime and also helps you in lifelong friendship with fellow graduates.

Gurukul Yogashala is the only school in India where there will be specific module on Yin Yoga with 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Curriculum highlights of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Yin Yoga Teacher Training

  • Traditional Hatha yoga – Learning the traditional form of yoga helps you in preparing the base to teach other modern styles of yoga as well
  • Mysore Style of Traditional Ashtanga yoga – Introducing the Traditional Ashtanga Yoga as developed by K. Pattabhi Jois – an energetic practice with breath awareness.
  • Vinyasa Flow - Vinyasa Flow is beneficial to one's health since it reduces stress, promotes heart health, and is suitable for people of all fitness levels.
  • Iyengar Yoga – Understand the alignment of different asanas on the basis of Iyengar Yoga so that asanas can be performed without injuries and with right props according to the flexibility of the practitioner.
  • Yin Yoga – learn about how Yin yoga works deeply into your body with passive, longer-held poses that gives practitioners unprecedented access to the deeper realms of the mind and body.
  • Kundalini Yoga – the science behind the Kundalini energy will help you in understanding the philosophy and physiology of Kundalini with various practical practices.
  • Shatkarma Kriya – understanding the first step to prepare your body and mind for the yogic practices with different yogic cleansing practices.
  • Pranayama – with daily practices of pranayama, learn the deeper meaning of Pranas by connecting with your breath.
  • Mudras – when you connect deeper spiritually, Mudras helps in locking the spiritual energy – kundalini energy within the body and rise higher during deeper meditation.
  • Bandhas – in Hatha Yoga, bandhas help in holding the spiritual energy in different parts of body to prepare the body for the deeper meditation.
  • Meditation – by learning different meditation techniques, the meditation classes will open the doors to your daily dhayana / meditation practices even after completing the training
  • Yoga Nidra – the psychic sleep will not only help you in increasing your awareness within yourself but also helps in connecting deeper with your soul.
  • Mantra chanting – daily mantra chants create a spiritual bridge with your breath mind and soul.
  • Reiki & sound healing – you will learn the science behind the Reiki & Sound healing and different ways to heal yourself with healing energies.
  • Yoga history & philosophy – learn about the origin of yoga and Vedic Yogic philosophy to connect with the “Why” behind every yogic practices.
  • Yogic physiology – learn about the physiology of Kundalini Shakti and how this energy affects the body, mind and soul.
  • Yin Yoga Philosophy & Meridians – with Yin Yoga Philosophy and Meridians classes you will understand the concept of Yin and Yang Energies and how to balance these energies.
  • Ayurveda Philosophy – learning the basics of Ayurveda helping yourself and others to lead a life without physical ailments.
  • Applied Ayurveda – during the practical classes of Ayurveda, you will learn how to apply the knowledge of Ayurveda into your daily life.
  • Yogic lifestyle – Gurukul Yogashala follows the yogic lifestyle and Ayurvedic lifestyle during the training to help its students to gain from them during the course.
  • Anatomy and physiology – every asana, every pranayama and other practices have direct impact on our body and to understand, you will learn the basics of yoga anatomy & physiology.
  • Alignment & adjustment – it is important to do the asana practice but it is the most important to learn the right alignment and adjustment of the asanas to keep away the injuries.
  • Teaching methodology – to learn and to teach what you have learnt in the right way is a journey that is passed during teaching methodology

Enrichment opportunities during the training

Excursions, beach yoga, nature walk/hike, sound healing/emotional healing/Reiki Healing, Ayurveda massage therapy workshop/Marma Points therapy workshop/Naturopathy therapy workshop, kirtan, Ayurveda personal health consultancy aession, Ayurveda cooking classes and much more

Detailed Course of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Traditional Hatha Yoga

Traditional Hatha Yoga is widely practiced form of yoga using physical techniques to preserve channel vital energy in our body. Hatha consists of two words Ha + Tha. The word “ha” means sun, “tha” means moon. “Hatha” means the Yoga to bring balance between the sun and the moon in our body.

Traditional Hatha Yoga is one of the ancient practices of yoga which is considered to offer spiritual perfection. Learning this traditional form of yoga will open doors to learn different styles of yoga. This style of yoga is mainly focused on the postures and breathing techniques that help in relaxing the mind.

During the class, our teacher will guide the students to perform it properly concerning understanding the body's strength and flexibility. This is a great style to incorporate into your daily practice as it not only improves flexibility and strength but also helps in relaxing and calming the mind.

What will you learn during the asana practice of the training?

Traditional Hatha yoga is a potent system for enhancing your physical, mental, and spiritual health. It includes different poses, breath work, mindfulness, better sleep, core muscle strengthening, and healing the body.

  • Pawanmuktasana Series – A & B
  • Surya Namaskar & Chandra Namaskar
  • Standing & Siting Series of Asanas
  • Vajrasana Group of Asanas
  • Forward and backward bending asanas
  • Spinal Twisting Asanas
  • Balancing Asanas
  • Inverted Asanas
  • Counter poses for different asanas
  • Learn different variations and modifications of the asanas according to different flexibilities
  • Learn the English names and Sanskrit names of the asanas
  • Learn the right alignment during the class and hands-on adjustments for beginner and advanced students
  • Art of teaching and sequencing during the class
  • Designing the class differently according to the students
  • Use props (belt, bolster, pillow, wall, block) as supporting agents
  • Establish creative and challenging classes using the right voice and words
  • Asana knowledge in traditional, therapeutic, and healing context
  • Important contraindications and necessary modifications in relation to modern problems (hyperthyroidism, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and so on)

Mysore Style of Traditional Ashtanga Yoga

K. Pattabhi Jois developed a modern-day form called Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in the mid-20th century, an energetic practice of mindful movements with breath awareness. In a 200 hour yoga teacher training, the primary series of Traditional Mysore-Style Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is taught in a systematic manner help you in achieving your goal.

Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic form of Hatha Yoga which emphasizes on synchronization of breath with movement. It demands physical strength, flexibility, and endurance, incorporating various postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. Despite being a physical practice, Ashtanga yoga promotes mental clarity and inner peace, making it a challenging workout.

What will you learn during the asana practice of the training?

Ashtanga Yoga combines postures, breathing methods, meditation, and breath synchronization with movement to promote a more present and attentive state.

  • Ashtanga Surya Namaskar – A, B, C
  • Ashtanga Standing Pose – forward bend, side stretch, leg stretch, balance
  • Ashtanga beginner strength pose – forward bend, twisting, abs strength
  • Ashtanga finishing pose – back bend, upside down, cooling pose
  • Contraindications of postures
  • Learn English and Sanskrit names
  • Learn the right adjustment during the asana class
  • Learning to apply Drishti in every asana and its role in connecting with spiritual energy
  • Physical, mental, and spiritual benefits
  • Body gestures (mudras and bandhas)
  • Establish creative and challenging classes using the right voice and words
  • Learning how to teach Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow have the movement sequences with focus on the breath. Vinyasa Flow is all about the deep inhale and exhale of your breath as you move from one posture to the other. It boosts strength, heart health, balance, core strength, flexibility, and movement range. It eases stress and anxiety with breath techniques and meditation, eases tension for relaxation, and enhances sleep by reducing stress and promoting calmness.

What will you learn during the asana practice of the training?

  • How the Vinyasa flow helps in decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression
  • As you practice continuously vinyasa flow you will find an increase in your energy
  • Better Cardiovascular conditioning
  • How the Vinyasa flow will burn calories faster
  • Combining proper breathing with the flow

Iyengar Yoga

Developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, this practice enhances the mind-body connection through asanas. With the guidance of our experienced teachers, you'll learn how to achieve healthy posture for various activities using props and meticulous form attention.

It is suitable for all levels of students and can be modified to meet the individual needs of each student. Iyengar Yoga also emphasizes the importance of precise alignment and attention to detail, which can help students avoid injuries and get the most out of their practice.

What will you learn during the Asana Practice of the training?

  • The proper alignment of each pose
  • How to use props to help students achieve correct alignment
  • How to modify poses for students with different needs
  • How to sequence the poses in a way that is safe and effective
  • Developing awareness by holding the postures for longer time
  • Transitioning to self-practice
  • Learn to assist and make adjustments

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is based on the Taoist concept of yin and yang, opposite and complementary principles in nature. Yin yoga works deeply into your body with passive, longer-held poses. The practice of Yin yoga is a transformative journey of self-discovery that gives practitioners unprecedented access to the deeper realms of the mind and body.

What will you learn during the Asana Practice of the training?

  • How Yin helps in increasing circulation of the blood and improves flexibility in the muscles
  • Calming and balancing the mind and body through various asanas through long-held poses
  • While practicing the Yin asanas the focus is mainly on the breath that helps in connecting and reducing stress and anxiety
  • Staying in an asana for a longer time encourages deeper relaxation in mind, body & breath.
  • You will learn about the Yin Yoga Philosophy through Meridians to help an deeper understanding on how the Yin and Yang energies work

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is practice to activate the kundalini energy which sits the base of spine. Kundalini awakening is called the ultimate form of yoga sadhana that is attained after steadily mastering the previous layers of yoga sadhana. This comprehensive training is based on the ancient philosophies of tantras and kriya yoga.

The term kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word - "Kundal" which means circular or the coiled snake at the base of spine.

What will you learn about Kundalini Yoga practices during the training?

  • Understanding various practices for activation of different chakras.
  • Muladhara chakra activation: Location of the Chakra, Various Mudras to activate and understanding the focus point
  • Swadhisthana chakra activation: Location of swadhisthana Various Mudras to activate and understanding the focus point
  • Manipura chakra activation: Incorporating relevant asanas for manipura chakra, location of the chakra, manipura shuddhi (purification), agnisara kriya, uddiyana bandha
  • Anahata chakra activation: Incorporating relevant preparatory asanas, Location of the chakra, anahata chakra purification, ajapa japa and intensive heart chakra and heart space harmonization technique
  • Vishuddhi chakra activation: incorporating relevant preparatory asanas and mudras for vishuddhi chakra activation, location of Chakra Meditation, vishuddhi chakra purification

Shatkarma Kriyas

Following the traditional practices of Hatha Yoga, Gurukul Yogashala prioritize health by offering knowledge about cleansing the body internally and externally.

ShatKarma kriya is a practice in Yoga where practitioners clean their body using various techniques to improve immunity and balance between mind and body. The students with the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course will learn the right methods for performing various techniques to cleanse their bodies.

What will you learn during the Kriya practice of the training?

  • What is Shatkarma Kriyas
  • Benefits and risks of Shatkarma Kriya
  • Who should practice and who should not
  • Preparation to shatkarma and what should we follow after the practice.

List of Shatkarma practices

  • Jal Neti Kriya
  • Sutra Neti Kriya
  • Netra Neti Kriya
  • Kapalbhati Kriya
  • Nauli Kriya
  • Dhauti Kriya


Pranayama or the method of rhythmic breathing is a style of yoga, where using different techniques of breathing we fulfil the requirement of the body and purify it. The concentration over breathing not only helps in delivering the right amount of oxygen or detoxifying but also helps in improving and deepening the connection of the mind with the body while improving calmness and concentration. The course will help the student learn different locks, styles and mudra for the practice of pranayama.

What will you learn during the Pranayama practice of the training?

  • Introduction to pranayama
  • Importance and benefits of pranayama
  • Preparing yourself to practice pranayama
  • Sitting postures for pranayama
  • Understanding the different aspects of breathing
  • Understanding all about nostrils and activating them
  • Beginner practices of pranayama
  • Pranas and Koshas

Different Types of Pranayama

  • Nadi Shodhana pranayama
  • Ujjayi pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Sheetali pranayama
  • Sheetkari pranayama
  • Chandra Bhedi pranayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Kapalbhati pranayamaa
  • Surya Bhedi pranayama


Mudras are the divine gestures that channel and distribute prana in the body. Most of the mudras are performed by hand. Practitioner can have immense benefits from mudras if they are performed in the right manner under the guidance of an expert.

What will you learn during the Mudra practice of the training?

  • The secret of mudras
  • The position of different elements in your hands
  • The importance of mudra

List of Mudras

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Dhyana mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Nasikagra drishti mudra
  • Vairagya mudra (dispassion)
  • Abhaya mudra (blessing, fearlessness)
  • Vayu mudra (air)
  • Pran mudra (prana)
  • Prithvi mudra (Earth)
  • Surya mudra (Sun)
  • Varun mudra (God of water)


While doing yoga, your body generates a lot of energy or prana. With mudra, channel this energy and with bandhas, control and maintain it in the body to prevent it from draining. When done right, the bandhas can also help awaken the Kundalini.

What you will learn Bandhas Practice of the training?

  • Meaning of Bandhas and its importance
  • Draining of Pranas and how to retain them
  • Understanding the chakras and the role of Bandhas
  • Benefits and risks of the practices
  • Practices (for beginners and intermediate level)

List of different practices of Bandhas

  • Agnisar (for Uddiyana preparation)
  • Bahir kumbhaka (external retention)
  • Antar kumbhaka (internal retention)
  • Ashwini mudra
  • Vajroli mudra
  • Mula bandha
  • Uddiyana bandha
  • Jalandhara bandha
  • Maha bandha


Meditation is one of the best practices of yoga which offers great self-control while improving mind strength. The practice introduces you to deeper enlightenment leading to better concentration and focus. The human brain is functional even when we sleep, but with the right techniques and practices, we can control it and eliminate the external disturbance.

The classes of meditation by our teachers will help the students unlock a wide spectrum of inward journeys and a heightened sense of awareness with mental clarity.

What will you learn during the Meditation practice of the training?

  • Introduction to meditation
  • Benefits of meditation
  • Correct Sitting Posture for meditation
  • What are the practices you need to follow for meditation?
  • What are the obstacles in meditation?
  • Preparing the body and mind for meditation - to become aware of the body

List of Meditation Techniques

  • AUM meditation
  • Trataka meditation
  • Japa and Ajapa meditation
  • Antar Mouna Dhyana meditation
  • Silent meditation
  • Chakra meditation
  • Mantra or Kirtan meditation

Yog Nidra

Yog Nidra (psychic sleep) is sleeping in awareness in such a way that takes you from a conscious state to a superconscious state of awareness. The goal is to shut out the five senses so the mind can attain pratyahara.

What will you learn during the Yog Nidra practice of the training?

  • Meaning and basics of Yoga Nidra and its purpose
  • Various schools and traditions of Yoga Nidra
  • Tantric origin of Yoga Nidra with different Benefits and risks
  • Lifestyle and rules for practitioners
  • Difference between meditation and Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga Nidra experience
  • Healing with Yoga Nidra
  • Three-body awareness
  • The four states of consciousness

Mantra Chanting

Mantra is considered to possess mystical and spiritual efficacy and is a powerful meditation and therapy tool. Mantras help you expand your mind and consciousness to connect it with supreme consciousness. With Mantra chanting Meditation you can heal yourself and others with the vibrational power of mantra chanting

What will you learn during the mantra Chanting practice of the training?

  • What is Mantra?
  • Importance of mantra in your life
  • Importance of personal mantra and its initiation
  • Healing of body with mantras
  • Use of mala in mantra recitation
  • How will mantra will help you in your life?
  • How mantra help in healing?

List of Mantras Chanting

  • Ganesh Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Shanti Mantra
  • Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
  • Guru Brahma Mantra
  • Dhyana Mulam Mantra
  • Om purnamadhah
  • Krishna Mantra
  • Shiv Mantra
  • Narayana Mantra
  • Ram Mantra

Reiki & Sound Healing

Reiki & sound healing is an ancient healing technique using gentle touch and use of different Tibetan Sound Bowls, to promote relaxation with deeper connection with your body, mind and soul.

After completion of the course it will help you in understanding the basics of Reiki & sound healing therapy. And also learn to heal yourself.

What will you learn during Reiki & Sound Healing practice?

  • What is Reiki & its history?
  • What are the 5 principles of Reiki Healing?
  • Reiki cleansing meditation technique
  • What is aura cleansing and how to do aura protection?
  • Introduction to sound healing therapy & its benefits
  • Concept of singing bowls and how to select them?
  • How to correctly hold the singing bowls with different ways to hit and rub the bowls

Yoga history and philosophy

Gurukul Yogashala offers traditional and Vedic knowledge to students with customized course on yoga. The goal is to keep the purity and serenity of yoga alive through the students and spread it across the globe.

What will you learn about Yoga History & Philosophy during the training?

  • Introduction of yoga philosophy (yoga darshan) and its evolution
  • Introduction of Patanjali yoga sutras
  • Explanation of Hatha yoga pradipika
  • Eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga
  • Pancha - Vayus, Panchakoshas
  • Sattva, Rajas and Tamas (Trigunas)
  • Four padas of yoga sutras
  • Life stories of yogis (inspiring stories)
  • Introduction to Vedas

Yogic Physiology

Yogic Physiology deals with the subtle and energetic aspects of the self-exploring the connections between the physical body, mind, and the spiritual dimensions for holistic growth. Yogic Physiology helps you to understand how the body reacts to different energy centres.

What will you learn about Yogic Physiology during the training?

  • Nadi (energy channel) – Ida Nadi, Pingala Nadi and Sushumna Nadi
  • Chakras (energy centres) – Introduction to Chakras
  • Kundalini Sakti (prime energy and source of all creativity)
  • Pancha kosha (5 layers)
  • Pancha Mahabhuta (5 elements and body structure)
  • Tri-Guna (three attributes)

Yin Yoga Philosophy & Meridians

Yin Yoga encourages the practitioners to let go of the emotions while staying still in a pose for an extended period and connect more deeply into your consciousness. Yin Yoga helps in balancing the yin and yang energies of the body.

What will you learn about Yin and Yang Yoga during your training?

  • What is the concept of Yin and Yang energy?
  • Different types of Meridians in the body and their role in balancing the yin and yang energies
  • Understanding the Philosophy – The Yin and Yang in Yoga
  • Understanding the Yin and Yang elements in the Yin & Yang Yoga
  • The Physical, Mental and Emotional benefits of Yin Yang Practices

Ayurveda Philosophy

Ayurveda is the ancient healing science to heal the body holistically. It is through the different practices of Ayurveda; that you can heal the body by clearing out the doshas of the body.

What will you learn in Ayurveda during the training?

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Definition and core principles
  • Unique features and aims of Ayurveda
  • Historical overview and evolution
  • Exploration of Ayurvedic branches
  • Understanding the philosophy behind Ayurvedic practices
  • Elemental knowledge in Ayurveda
  • Concept of holistic health in Ayurveda
  • Fundamentals of doshas, dhatus, and agni
  • Exploring Prakriti (individual constitution) and Vikriti (imbalance)
  • Body types and energies
  • In-depth discussion on various body types (doshas)
  • Balancing body imbalances
  • Recognizing signs of balance and imbalance in the body
  • Techniques and practices to restore balance and harmony

Applied Ayurveda

The simplest meaning of Applied Ayurveda is how to apply the learnings of Ayurveda for the betterment of your life. To lead a healthy life, it is important to understand how to apply the principles of Ayurveda into practical to lead a good and healthy life.

During your yoga teacher training, you will be taught how to:

  • Make Ayurvedic liver detox tea
  • Do Ayurvedic face and hair masks
  • Do Ayurvedic gardening
  • Detox your body according to Ayurveda
  • Make Tulsi and herbal tea
  • Perform Abhyanga (self-massage) with Ayurvedic oils
  • Use Ayurvedic supplements like shilajit and chawanprash

Yogic Lifestyle

Yoga is not only a set of postures to keep you fit but also a holistic lifestyle and philosophy that enhances one's mind, body, and soul. A yogi's lifestyle opens doors for every individual to the highest form of knowledge.

What will you learn about yogic lifestyle during the training?

  • What is a Yogic Lifestyle?
  • Who is a Yogi?
  • Why everyone needs a good lifestyle?
  • Importance of Yogic lifestyle
  • Why do yogis prefer vegetarian and vegan diets?
  • Morning and Evening routine of a yogi
  • Introduction to yogic diet?
  • How a yogi should behave with others?
  • How to live according to the principles of Yamas and Niyamas?
  • Sleep cycle of a yogi and how a yogi should prepare themselves for sleep?

Anatomy and Physiology

Yoga Anatomy & Physiology is an essential subject for ensuring a safe, effective, and personalized yoga practice. Empowering the new certified yoga teachers with the skills needed to guide students safely and effectively.

Learning about the Anatomy and Physiology will help Yoga Teachers to guide others in the right way and choosing the right postures in case of any injury.

What will you learn about the Anatomy & Physiology during the training?

  • Understanding the basic anatomical terminology
  • Why is important to have an understanding Anatomy as a Yoga teacher
  • Comprehensive understanding various systems of human body – Skeletal System, Muscular System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System.
  • Why it is important to understand every movement of Spine through Spinal anatomy
  • Anatomy of upper extremities (shoulder area)
  • Anatomy of lower extremities (pelvic area)
  • Attaining knowledge of the body, mind, stress and their related ailments and how to avoid them.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves and organs within the body.

Alignment and Adjustment

Learn the posture alignment in accordance with the Iyengar Yoga. Gurukul Yogashala’s expert teachers will help in understand how to align yourself while you are doing self-practice and also will help you understand how to align others in your class as a yoga teacher.

What will you about Alignment & Adjustment during the training?

  • Why it is important to align your own body during the asana practice?
  • Alignment and precision in the practice of asanas.
  • Use of props such as blocks, straps, and blankets for correct alignment according to Iyengar yoga
  • How to deepen your practice by going deeper into your asana practice through correct alignment?
  • Maintaining close attention to the details of each asana
  • Learn the right alignment in various asanas: standing, seated, backward/forward extensions, twisting, and inverted postures
  • Understand the common mistakes, precautions, benefits, and modifications according to strength and flexibility

Teaching Methodology

It is not enough to learn and practice yoga to be a great yoga teacher. Teaching yoga is an art as it can change lives so a lot of preparation and skills go into it.

What will you learn during the teaching practice in the training?

Blending traditional teaching methods with modern outlook prioritizing holistic approach in teaching.

  • Crafting an engaging curriculum
  • Connection and empathy
  • Efficiency in class management
  • Safety and effectiveness
  • How to avoid injuries
  • Preparing yourself mentally and emotionally before teaching
  • Keeping a positive attitude during and after the practice
  • Developing step-by-step class structures
  • Proper adjustments with and without yoga props
  • Establishment of yogic personality


You will get the certification at the end of the course after proper evaluation. The evaluation will be based on:

  • Performance throughout the course
  • Attendance during the classes
  • Code of Conduct during the classes
  • Practical demonstration of the postures(test)
  • Written tests (objective)

Complimentary sessions and workshops

Culture study tour

Gurukul Yogashala takes every participant on a cultural tour in Rishikesh which not only helps in having a first-hand experience with the local culture of Rishikesh but also helps in understanding and connecting with the place of birth of yoga where many yogis have found their spiritual enlightenment. The cultural tour will be conducted in every batch.

Complimentary sessions

These complimentary sessions will help you connect with your inner self in a better way. Depending on the availability of the teachers, only one session will be conducted in every batch of the following

Sound healing session

Sound healing has healing vibrations that are very powerful. It also helps you relax and calm your mind.

Emotional healing session

Gurukul Yogashala is giving every yoga aspirant the perfect opportunity to attend this complimentary session to start their healing journey.

The ability to experience and express emotions is more important than you might realize. When you’re in tune with your emotions, you have access to important knowledge that helps with:

Reiki Healing Session

Reiki Healing Sessions helps in releasing of stress and offer calmness to your mind and body. Balance yourself with deep healing with Reiki.

Complimentary workshops

Gurukul Yogashala will be conducting any one of the following three sessions every month to help you understand different therapy. These sessions will not only give you the first-hand experience about the therapy.

Ayurveda massage therapy workshop

In the Ayurveda massage therapy workshop, there will be a combination of demonstrations of various techniques that will be used in a massage to achieve the best possible results. You will have an understanding of how to move your hands for the massage and in which direction.

Marma points therapy workshop

A marma point therapy workshop teaches you about marma therapy, an ancient Ayurvedic healing practice that involves stimulating specific points on the body. The practice involves stimulating these points to promote healing, balance the body, and improve energy flow.

Naturopathy therapy workshop

Naturopathy is a holistic system of medicine that uses natural remedies and therapies to promote wellness and self-healing. In the Naturopathy therapy session, you will know different types of Naturopathy massages that help you understand different massages.

Complimentary Yoga Sessions

Restorative Yoga Session

Restorative yoga therapy is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Restorative yoga is suitable for practitioners of all levels.

Acro yoga session

Acro yoga can include partner is a physical practice that combines yoga helping in building trust between partners and increasing strength.

Sample Daily Schedule

  • 06:30 - 07:00 Wake up tea
  • 07:00 - 08:00 Shatkarma Kriya / pranayama / Yog Nidra
  • 08:00 - 09:30 Ashtanga Yoga / Vinyasa Flow
  • 10:00 - 11:00 Yoga philosophy & physiology
  • 11:15 - 12:30 Brunch
  • 13:00 - 14:00 Rest & self-study
  • 14:00 - 15:00 Anatomy & physiology / alignment & adjustment / teaching methodology
  • 15:30 - 61:00 Tea break
  • 16:00 - 17:30 Hatha Yoga / Yin Yoga
  • 18:00 - 19:00 Meditation / Kundalini Yoga
  • 19:15 - 20:15 Dinner

The schedule is subject to change and the final weekly schedule will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Ausflüge (inklusive)

Excursions offer a vital dimension to your yoga journey, providing a well-rounded experience that extends beyond the yoga mat. Through these excursions, you not only rejuvenate your body and soul but also gain a profound appreciation for the traditions and landscapes that shape the yogic path.

Experience holy Ganga Aarti sessions, kirtan, and movie nights

Embrace the spiritual heritage of Rishikesh with temple visits

Enjoy nature walks in the Himalayan foothills


Yogi Arvind

Keshav Dev

Ritesh Bhatt

Shikha Sharma


Naveen Bisht

Dr. Shivani Negi




Dr. Sanjeev Pandey


The 200 hour yoga teacher training will be conducted in India - the land of yogis and saints, the yoga capital of the world, and the birthplace of yoga.

Gurukul Yogashala Ashram is located near the Ganga river. The rooms overlook the Himalayan Range and the garden of Gurukul Yogashala. The Ashram is situated in a place where you will find peace away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Here, you will not only find peace but also find your inner self. You can immerse yourself in the depths of yoga and find your balance in the holy city of sages and Rishis.

While in Rishikesh, you will have the opportunity to experience various aspects of Indian culture. This may include picturesque sunrises and sunsets over the holy Ganges River, encounters with monkeys on trees and roads, the sight of docile cows wandering around, vibrant colors everywhere, and the availability


  • Tapovan to Rishikesh, 15 minutes
  • Delhi to Rishikesh, 250 kilometers - approximately 6 hours



  • Spa


  • Garten
  • Yoga Shala
  • Yoga Studio


  • Kostenloses WLAN


Indulge in a revitalizing yogic diet at Gurukul Yogashala in Rishikesh.

"You become what you eat." With this mindset, Gurukul Yogashala provides Sattvic food that is made and served with love.

Starting your yoga journey is made easier with nourishing and gluten-free yogic diet. Sattvic meals, complemented by detox teas and juices, offer a blend of essential nutrients like vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, and vital minerals.

The choices you make in your food impact your ability to meditate and fully embrace yoga.

The offerings include:

  • Fresh, locally sourced vegetarian delights
  • Authentic and traditional Indian cuisine
  • Gluten-free options designed for the yogic diet
  • Sattvic and pure foods to fuel your yoga journey with abundant energy

At Gurukul Yogashala, every meal served ensures your body and spirit receive the nourishment it deserves, making your yoga practice all the more fulfilling.

Folgende Mahlzeiten sind inbegriffen:

  • Brunch
  • Abendessen
  • Snacks
  • Getränke

Die folgenden Getränke sind enthalten:

  • Wasser
  • Tee

Die folgenden Ernährungsweisen stehen zur Verfügung und/oder berücksichtigt werden:

  • Vegetarisch
  • Vegan
  • Glutenfrei
  • Biologisch
  • Naturheilkundlich
  • Laktosefrei
  • Vollwertkost
  • Yogisch
  • Ayurvedisch
Wenn Sie besondere Ernährungsbedürfnisse haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen diese dem Veranstalter bei der Buchung mitzuteilen.

Freizeitaktivitäten und Sehenswürdigkeiten (optional)

Rishikesh offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from spiritual and cultural exploration to adventure and relaxation, making it a versatile and vibrant destination. Below are what you can do at your own cost:

  • Ayurvedic massage and therapies
  • Bungee jumping
  • Camping and bonfire
  • Cliff jumping
  • Experience the traditional Indian culture
  • Flying fox
  • Kayaking
  • Mountain biking
  • Parasailing and paragliding
  • Rappelling and rock climbing
  • River rafting - the most popular thing to do in Rishikesh
  • Trekking
  • Visit temples
  • Ganga Aarti ceremony
  • Explore Beatles ashram
  • Wildlife safari at Rajaji National Park
  • Camping by the riverside s
  • Explore nearby towns like Haridwar and Devprayag
  • Himalayan hiking and trekking

Spa Behandlungen

Ayurvedic Sessions

Gurukul Yogashala can make the bookings for the following sessions at the extra cost to help you relax and connect with yourself more deeper:

  • Ayurvedic massage (included if you book a private and twin room package)
  • Ayurvedic consultancy (included if you book a private and twin room package)
  • Panchakarma treatment

Was ist im Preis inbegriffen?

  • Complimentary shuttle service from Dehradun Airport to school in the morning - 10 a.m & Evening 4 p.m on arrival day
  • 200 Hour YTTC and YACEP Yin Yoga Certificate upon course completion
  • Ayurveda massage & Ayurveda personal health consultancy (only if you book private and twin room package)
  • Sound healing session / emotional healing session / Reiki healing session
  • Ayurvedic Massage Therapy Workshop / Marma Points Therapy Workshop / Naturopathy Therapy Workshop
  • Ayurveda cooking classes
  • Complimentary Astrology class
  • Beach yoga session
  • Acro yoga / Restorative Yoga
  • Cultural study tour
  • Yoga sessions from Monday to Saturday
  • Daily pranayama, mantra chanting, meditation & Yoga Sessions
  • Introduction to yoga philosophy and yogic physiology
  • Learn relaxation and meditation techniques
  • Family-operated school for a family environment and safety
  • Cultural evening activities and Kirtan
  • Movie nights (yoga documentary; manual, and teaching education program)
  • Gurukul Yogashala's continuous support before and after your yoga training
  • Discount of 25% on all future courses with Gurukul Yogashala
  • 26 nights accommodation including complimentary one-night stay after the completion of the retreat
  • 2 delicious and nutritious meals daily to keep you energized and afternoon tea with snacks
  • Purified water and herbal tea available
  • Yoga bag, yoga t-shirt, course manual, and teacher education program
  • 24-hour Wi-Fi access
  • Provided yoga mats, blocks, straps, and bolsters

Was ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen?

  • Airfare
  • Visa and insurance
  • Airport transfer from Delhi Airport
  • Drop to Dehradun Airport
  • Pick from Dehradun Airport (Except the complimentary shuttle)
  • Transportation from Haridwar Railway station & Rishikesh Bus and Railway station


Empfohlene Flughäfen

Arrival by airplane

Please book your flight to Jolly Grant Airport (DED). Gurukul Yogashala provide a free shuttle service from Dehradun Airport to school in the morning at 10 a.m and 4 p.m on arrival day. After booking your slot ,you can inform the school about your arrival during that time. If you are reaching on any other time they can provide the transportation upon request for 20 USD.

You can also book your flight to Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL). Transfer to and from this airport is available upon request for 80 USD (one way). Book your flight to Chandigarh Airport (IXC). Transfer to and from this airport is available upon request for 100 USD (one way).

Arrival by bus

From Delhi, take a Volvo bus to Rishikesh. Please note that these buses generally stop running after 21:00 and that traffic, time of the day, and festival celebrations on the road can lead to delays.

Arrival by train

There are various trains that travel between Rishikesh and Delhi. It is advisable to book your tickets through the official Indian railways government website or application to avoid any confusion regarding timings and payments.

Airport: Chandigarh Airport Flughafentransfer verfügbar: Chandigarh Airport (US$ 100 pro Person) Zusätzliche Kosten können anfallen. Sie können dies im nächsten Schritt anfragen.
Airport: Jolly Grant Airport Flughafentransfer inklusive: Jolly Grant Airport Keine zusätzlichen Kosten. Sie können dies im nächsten Schritt anfragen.
Airport: Indira Gandhi International Airport Flughafentransfer verfügbar: Indira Gandhi International Airport (US$ 80 pro Person) Zusätzliche Kosten können anfallen. Sie können dies im nächsten Schritt anfragen.


  • Eine Reservierung erfordert eine Anzahlung von 30% des Gesamtpreises.
  • Die Anzahlung wird nicht erstattet, wenn die Buchung storniert wird.
  • Der Restbetrag ist am Tag der Ankunft zu zahlen.

Unterkunft und Ausstattung
Qualität der Aktivität
Spezielles Angebot Rabatt
Für dieses Angebot gilt ein Rabatt von Special Offer Discount in Höhe von 25%, wenn Sie zwischen 2024-Dec-04 und 2025-Dec-31 buchen.
27 Tage / 26 Nächte
ab --

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