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The 200-hour yoga teacher training course is based on the traditional lineage but taught in a modern manner. You will learn about Hatha yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, and Kundalini yoga as a part of the course. After you enroll in the course, you will be able to develop a much deeper awareness of the realm. The course will provide you with the best knowledge of yoga so that you can enter the yoga realm with a competitive streak. This training promises to be a life-changing opportunity for yoga enthusiasts with goals of teaching or self-development. You will get recognition in the yoga community after having completed this course.
Hari Om Yoga Vidya School offers accommodation of excellent quality, assuring that you will have a pleasant and comfortable stay. During your yoga teacher training, you will be staying at a beautiful, secluded yoga retreat center situated in Rishikesh.
The place is immersed in peace and divinity, so much so that you will feel the transformation once you step inside the premises.
The school offers single rooms for those who enjoy private and double shared rooms for couples, friends, or friends to be. All rooms have an individual bathroom, Wi-Fi, a hot shower, air conditioner, and beautiful views of the Himalayan mountains or the village. The school campus is surrounded by a natural green campus. Have a look at the beautiful school campus in the pictures.
The place is simple, clean, and homely. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School is exactly like a homestay with a spiritual atmosphere more like a yoga ashram. The staff are friendly and will go out of their way to make you comfortable.
Students who complete the training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).
The 200-hour yoga alliance teacher training is beneficial for all those who seek jobs abroad. Your name goes up on the Yoga directory, as soon as you get the RYT 200 certification. Schools and students looking for teachers can find you, and you can get a good opportunity from there. It also helps in accessing updated yoga courses later on.
Join the world-class yoga teacher training at Hariom Yoga Vidya School today. The 200-hour intensive yoga teacher training is a class apart while being accredited by Yoga Alliance. You will be able to witness a life-changing and immersive training experience, under the tutelage of the best yoga gurus.
The program delivers theoretical as weell as practical hands-on training in the realm of authentic, Himalayan yoga. The school has designed the best in-depth yoga modules, in conjunction with Yoga Alliance, to deliver globally relevant knowledge. All those who train under Hariom Yoga Vidya School emerge as confident teachers and leaders after the completion of the yoga teacher training.
Apart from getting comprehensive knowledge of asana, pranayama, meditation, kriyas, mantras, anatomy, physiology, and philosophy, one can gain knowledge about the art of teaching. The elaborate curriculum takes students like you, through deep yogic wisdom, which you can apply to all areas of your life, apart from your teaching career. The expert teachers will guide you from the fundamental stages to the advanced ones.
At Hariom Yoga Vidya School, they believe in imparting traditional knowledge which you can use in modern settings as well. Moreover, they teach students not only to excel at teaching but to be able to maintain control over one’s own life. The curriculum consists of a high number of teaching hours, with original lectures from the teachers.
The 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is a self-transformative course, which can provide you with intensive and experiential learning.
Namaste, the 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, will simply change the course of your life. It is held for approximately a month, with an off day every week. At Hari Om Yoga Vidya School, you will get a well-designed, comprehensive course, that will suit beginners and those who know a little about yoga. The program has been designed in such a manner that it helps with physical fitness and spiritual growth as well.
The 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is designed for those interested in becoming a yoga teacher. It focuses on personal and spiritual development and aims to rebalance energy and chakras. The course is designed to help you understand the basics of yoga, and to help you develop a strong foundation in the practice. The course covers a wide range of topics, including yoga philosophy, anatomy, asanas, pranayama, meditation, and teaching methodology.
Havana, which is also known as Homam, Yagna, or Yagnya, The word derived from the Sanskrit root word hu, meaning "to offer" or "to present." Also, the word Yagna is derived from the Sanskrit verb yaj, which has a three-fold meaning of Devapujana or worship of deities, Swagatikarana or unity, and Daana or charity. A yagna is one of the oldest rituals in Sanatan Dharma for propitiating the deities.
Yagna encompasses the qualities of Satkaar or welcoming a guest, Upkaar or putting the needs of another over one's own, and Sangathan or unity. Since it is all about giving, therefore people are advised to give with as much grace as they can, rather than a sense of obligation.
Generally, the word is used in northern India, while HOMA is used in southern India regardless; the meaning is identical. It is an outer form of worship in which an altar is built, sacred fire is kindled using specific types of grass or wood, and then pouring into it oblations such as ghee or clarified butter, food, grains, and sesame seeds, while chanting mantras from the Vedas. The chanting of mantras while performing Havana is to invoke gods and seek their blessings and favors.
It is also done to ensure the fulfillment of specific desires and the overall welfare of an individual, a group of people, the entire society, an entire country, or, for that matter, the entire universe.
Hatha yoga is one of the yoga forms, which you will learn and master as a beginner, in the 200-hour yoga teacher training course. It is a course that will teach you about the physical aspects of yoga practice in complete detail. Hatha yoga can be broken down into two components, ‘Ha’ and ‘Tha’, where the first term means ‘Sun’ and the second one means ‘Moon. The yoga form brings about a union of the two opposite forces.
You will learn how to strengthen your body internally and externally. The yoga form prepares the body for higher practices. It will also help you to direct your energies towards the accomplishment of higher goals like connecting with the universe, over time. Apart from asanas, you will also learn about meditation, pranayama, shatkarma kriyas, bandhas, mudras, and mantras, as a part of the course. Learn authentic Hatha yoga according to the Himalayan lineage. It is a preparatory form of yoga that you need to learn, before treading ahead.
How to do this asana meditatively by following 6 steps?
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is quite popular as flow yoga. You will be following Patanjali’s eight-limbed path as a part of the yoga form. You can also call it a modern version of the original Ashtanga yoga. This is suitable for all yoga practitioners who have completed Hatha yoga training. You need to be strong to be able to participate in this dynamic form of yoga. As you perform Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, a lot of heat gets generated. It helps the body to heal to a huge extent.
There are six series as a part of this yoga form. You will learn about the primary series in the beginner’s 200-hour course. There are three main components of this yoga form, and they are your breath, bandhas, and the gaze. You will be led through the class, as the sequence will change from one session to another. You have to master the movements and the asanas at first, and then associate the other practices, like breath, bandhas, and gaze, with the same.
Kundalini yoga is the most spiritual form of yoga, which you can master after you have worked on your physical body. It mostly comprises chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive yoga asanas. The main purpose of the kriyas that you undertake as a part of the practice is to awaken the Kundalini Shakti. This shakti is female in form and lies at the base of the Muladhara. Once you awaken this force, it rises upwards toward the crown chakra and fuses with the Universe. On the way, it passes through the seven most important chakras, that control several functions in the physical and mental being.
The various chakras that are located along the Sushumna nadi are the Muladhara chakra, Manipura chakra, Svadhishthana chakra, Anahata chakra, Vishuddha chakra, Ajna chakra, and Sahasara chakra. If the chakras are blocked, you will get messages in the form of outbursts of energy. You may also experience diverse emotions. So, you must keep the pathway clear, by undertaking the proper actions or preparations that include asana, breathing, and meditative techniques. Once the female Shakti rises, it amalgamates with the Purusha, which leads to the union with the Universe or the Cosmos. Most Kundalini Yoga sessions start with opening chants, followed by Pranayama, then kriyas, relaxation, meditation, and finally a closing chant. Bhujangasana and Padmasana are two of the basic poses that you will practice here.
Yoga anatomy is a field of biological science in which you learn about the various organs, bones, muscles, joints, and tissues. This is essential for the yoga practitioner, as you can utilize it more holistically. Along with the physical structure, you will also learn about the body processes. These two are interlinked with one another. You have to learn about the same to be able to understand body movements.
As a part of the course, you will also learn that anatomy differs from one person to another. This can hugely impact the practices. As a teacher, you will be responsible for guiding the students according to their anatomical structure and limitations. With thorough knowledge, you can help your students with alignments, modifications, and variations that suit them. Disease management is also facilitated through this very knowledge.
Pranayama is the science of breath, an important part of yoga practice. Even if you are not doing asanas, you will be deemed to be practicing yoga by breathing alone. It is the fourth limb in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The vital life force is made to expand through this practice. It aids you both physically and mentally. The main aim of this practice is to connect the body and mind. It has been observed that when you slow down your breathing, it leads to huge benefits for the body. You will be learning about the various types of breathing, like Diaphragmatic breathing, Clavicular breathing, and Thoracic breathing.
The various pranayamas that you will practice as a part of the course are Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhana, Bhramari, Bhastrika, and Ujjayi Breath, among many others. These have a lot of benefits for the yoga practitioner. You will become much calmer and develop intuition with the right practice. It is the key to a long and disease-free life.
Introduction of pranayama
Kapalbhati pranayama (frontal brain cleaning breath)
Sheetali pranayama 2 (cooling breath)
Sheetkari Pranayam 2 (hishing breath)
Bhastrika pranayam (bellows breath) 2 and 3
Bhramri pranayama 2 and 3 (Humming Bee Breath)
Ujjayi (psychic breath) 2 and 3
Nadishodhana pranayama 2 and 3 (psychic network / chanel purification)
Shatkarma Kriyas are an important part of the 200-hour YTTC. You will learn about the six purification techniques that will aid you in your yogic journey. If you want to keep your biological processes running smoothly, then you need to go for such practices. Shatkarma kriyas aid in the proper functioning of the 11 body processes, which include circulation, excretion, respiration, digestion, and many more. You will be learning about six purification techniques under Hatha Yoga. They are Nauli, Basti, Dhouti, Neti, Trataka, and Kapalbhati. These lead to the complete detoxification of the body.
You will be able to cleanse the organs inside out through these practices. Dhouti Kriya helps in cleansing the alimentary canal from the mouth to the stomach. Basti cleanses the colon and intestines. Neti kriya helps to cleanse the nasal passage. Nauli cleanses the stomach and abdominal area. Trataka cleanses the eyes. Kapalbhati cleanses the frontal part of the brain.
Introduction to six types of shatkarma
Introduction to the practical jala neti
Introduction to the practical sutraneti
With the presence of a teacher, students will prepare the class to practice Jala Neti and Sutra Neti themselves. The teacher will observe the class.
Bandhas are nothing but internal energy locks that you will perform as a part of yoga. When you close the flow of energy to one part and redirect the energy to another part, it leads to the replenishment of the organs. Energy also gets properly distributed as a result. There are four main types of Bandhas that you will learn in a 200-hour yoga course. They are Mula Bandha, Uddhiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha, and Maha Bandha. You have to hold your breath during Bandha practice.
You will also learn the correct way and time to perform the bandhas. When you hold the bandha, blood flow ceases, and when you release it, fresh blood flows to the desired organs. The bandhas are perfect for the chakras and nadis. You will learn about bandhas from the learned teachers, who carry decades of experience. You will need to practice all three bandhas together, and that is what the Maha Bandha is all about. You will also get proper demonstrations of the bandhas as a part of the course.
Jalandhara Bandha
Udiyana bandha
Maha Bandha
Mudras are been used for a long time in various religions and spiritual activities. They are also an important part of yoga. These gestures mainly aim to transform various issues. Some are healing in nature, some are directing energies, while others aim to provide the practitioner with magical powers. When you practice asanas or Pranayama, you often use this subtle gesture to bring about huge changes. When you perform mudras, the flow of prana occurs. You can also calm the mind by just bringing two fingers in contact with one another. Mudras have the power to increase their power and the ultimate results of the practice.
According to Ayurveda, which is the sister science, each finger represents one element. So, when you get these into action, the effects can be seen on various elements and their related functions in the body. The most common mudras that you will learn are Jnana mudra, Chin mudras, and Vayu mudras, among others.
Jnana mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge)
Bhairava Mudra – Shiva Mudra
Hridaya mudra - heart gesture
You will learn to deepen your practice with this process. As a part of the subject, you will learn about various meditative techniques, like Transcendental meditation, Guided meditation, and Chakra meditation. Mantra meditation is also taught as a part of the 200-hour yoga teacher training. You will learn how to calm the mind and go deeper. In this manner, you can unearth huge possibilities.
You will learn about various chants and mantras. Moreover, you will learn to meditate with various props, like singing bowls, malas, and tools. Music will also be an important part of meditation. You will be guided through various techniques and practices by the best teachers at the school. Meditation can help in awakening your hidden talents and awaken you from a slumber of the mind. You will slowly learn to observe things and situations without allowing them to affect you.
Yoga is in itself a very relaxing journey. Most people turn to it, to calm their minds. In the realm of yoga, relaxation means loosening the body and also the mental tension. The practices will help you keep the body and the mind alert. It also helps you to gain a huge amount of reserve energy, which you can later put to proper use. Conscious forms of relaxation help to train the muscles to loosen their activity status when not in use. As a part of the course, you will learn how to practice in a quiet environment.
The most learned teachers will teach you the most relaxing postures in yoga, like the Savasana. You will mainly be starting with mindful relaxation. Some of the other poses that help you to calm the mind are Swastikasana, Padmasana, Sukhasana, and Tadasana. You will learn how to develop prowess in these asanas.
The correct postures will help in utilizing all the powers of the mind and body in totality. You will also learn about breath regulation as a part of the course. The key components of yoga are asanas, meditation, breath, and relaxation. You will learn how to intertwine one with the other. You will learn to be more aware of your breathing patterns. The teachers will help you in incorporating all the practices subtly.
Deep relaxation is another method, which you will learn to include in your daily yoga practice. You will learn about various cues that will help you to enter such a state. Yoga Nidra is also one of the practices, which you will get to learn and master as a part of the course.
The word "mantra" is derived from two words. The first word is "manas," or "mind," which relates to the "man" syllable, which means "to think." The second word is a suffix "Tra," which means instruments, tools, protect, or free from. Therefore, the word Mantra in its most literal sense means "to free from the mind Mantra is a tool used by the Mind to be free from all kinds of distractions of the Mind field.
Benefits of mantra chanting
Ashtanga Vinyasa mantra
The practice of yoga in physical forms, like with the assistance of asanas, is important. You also need knowledge about the practices like meditation, Pranayama, kriyas, bandhas, and mudras. However, you must also have theoretical knowledge about all these. That is where Yoga Philosophy, a crucial aspect of yoga education, comes in. You will learn about the various schools of philosophy.
Under yoga, Samkhya Philosophy assumes a lot of importance. Then there are Vedanta, Uttara, and Yoga. The teachers at the school will help you to master the background so that you can propagate the knowledge to all your students. It will help in the development of conviction as well. When you learn about the various texts that back your yoga practice, you will become more aware, spiritually.
You will also read about the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and Upanishads as a part of the modules under Philosophy during your 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. You will also learn that the body, mind, and soul are one and not separate entities.
Bhajan is a spiritual song you address to one of your favorite deities. It originates mostly from Sanskrit. They are related to Bhakti Geet. You can also find a compilation of many dialects that are woven into one. Indian spiritual philosophy is incomplete without bhajans. There are more than 10,000 devotional songs that you will get to choose and learn from. Devotees have reportedly experienced a transformation by just listening to the bhajans. They have immense power.
In this training, you can learn about bhajans that will enhance your spiritual practice. You can also experience huge mental shifts in energy if you learn and practice these daily. Bhajans can also be clubbed with meditation to transport you to a different realm. Westerners are also slowly realizing the huge benefits of the hymns and bhajans. Bhajans have sound vibrations that charge the atmosphere with positive energies.
Alignment and adjustment are fundamental concepts in the practice of yoga, both for practitioners and instructors. Here's a breakdown of each:
Adjustment, also known as hands-on adjustment or assists, involves the gentle physical manipulation of a student's body by the instructor to help them refine their alignment, deepen their stretch, or experience a pose more fully. Adjustments can provide valuable feedback and support to students, helping them overcome physical limitations, release tension, and access deeper levels of awareness in their practice. Adjustments are typically performed with sensitivity and mindfulness, respecting the individual's body and boundaries.
They may include subtle corrections to alignment, gentle pressure to encourage relaxation or engagement, or supportive touch to guide the student into a safer or more effective expression of a pose.
The cultural program is a celebration of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of India. It includes traditional music, dance, and performances by local artists, as well as opportunities for students to participate and showcase their talents. The program aims to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of Indian culture, history, and traditions through interactive and engaging activities.
You will have the chance to learn about different art forms, musical instruments, dance styles, and regional cuisines, as well as participate in cultural workshops and events. The Cultural Program is a fun and interactive way to experience the vibrant and colorful culture of India and create lasting memories with your fellow students.
The certification ceremony is the culmination of the course. It is a special event where you will receive your certificate of completion and celebrate your achievements with your teachers, classmates, and friends. The ceremony is a time to reflect on your journey, express gratitude for the knowledge and experiences gained, and honor the dedication and hard work you have put into your training.
You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts, feelings, and insights with your peers and receive blessings and well-wishes for your future as a certified Yoga teacher. The certification ceremony is a joyous and meaningful occasion that marks the beginning of your new chapter as a yoga teacher and the continuation of your personal and spiritual growth.
Every class is vital for you to grow and learn about yoga. Following the whole schedule helps you learn so much. The daily schedule has been set for students and you have to follow it strictly. Attending all classes is mandatory.
Note: Before the 3rd of every month (meaning the 1st and 2nd), there will be no activities in the school. On the 2nd, students will arrive at school and take enough rest. Then, on the morning of the 3rd at 9:00 am, all the students will have breakfast, and the program will begin with flower decoration.
Hari Om Yoga Vidya School strongly believes that a student needs practical exposure apart from book knowledge to have a great career. For the same reason, they organize weekly excursions to various holy sites as well as picturesque sites in Rishikesh included in the price. The excursions are an important part of the curriculum. You can avail yourself of the opportunities to practice yoga and meditation in some of the serene spots in the region.
Rishikesh has some famous spots, like Kunjapuri Temple, Ganga Beach, Rishi Vasishta’s Cave, and the Beatles Ashram. Many tourists also throng the region for various pursuits. You can experience the heights of spirituality at such places. Moreover, you can establish a stronger connection with nature. So, you need to go on such excursions, as a part of the 200-hour yoga teacher training course.
The Himalayan Excursion is a unique opportunity to explore the majestic Himalayas and immerse yourself in the natural beauty and spiritual energy of the region. The excursion includes visits to sacred sites, temples, and monasteries, as well as guided hikes and nature walks in the Himalayan foothills. You will have the opportunity to connect with the local culture, traditions, and people, and experience the profound sense of peace and tranquility that the Himalayas are known for.
Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or spiritual growth, the Himalayan excursion offers something for everyone. Join this unforgettable journey and discover the magic of the Himalayas.
Pramod (ERYT500) was born in a spiritual family in 1973 in Odisha. From early childhood, he began his life full of devotion. As a result, he spent most of his time practicing meditation, attending temples, and learning Yoga Traditions. As part of his dedication to yoga, he spent 7 years living in an Ashram, learning Yoga and Meditation according to the Ancient Himalayan Tradition. With such experience, he has taught Yoga in different schools and places around the world such as Mumbai, Rishikesh, New Delhi, Italy, Austria, and Germany. He believes in a world where each individual is at peace an
Yogi Devendra was born in the spiritual location of Rishikesh as part of his love for yoga he attained a Masters's degree from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University. He is a widely recognized yoga teacher among Rishikesh who has been teaching Ashtanga Yoga in various academies. He has a very clear approach to teaching and loves the primary and secondary series of Ashtanga Vinyasa. Expect his classes to be full of energy, enthusiasm, and strength.
Kushal lives in Rishikesh, studied Masters in yoga from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Haridwar. ERYT 200 & ERYT 300 from Yoga Alliance, U.S. With his guru ji organized various yoga camps around Rishikesh and near by places serving society through the teachings of yoga. During Masters he also got the chance to serve a unit of Indian Army in Raiwala Cantt. spreading the divine science of yoga for physical and mental stress relief. After completion of masters in yoga in 2013 has been sharing his learnings in various yoga schools around Laxmanjhula, Ramjhula and other parts of Rishikesh.
Yogi Bhupendra, devoted to the transformative art of pranayama and meditation. His journey began with a Master's in Yogic Science from sanskrit University Haridwar, India, and has blossomed into seven years of immersive teaching experience, specializing in these ancient practices within the framework of 200-hour yoga teacher training. His focus lies in harnessing the power of breath and meditation techniques to enhance overall well-being, reduce stress, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness.
Hari OM Yoga Vidya School provides classes and accommodation on-site, surrounded by mountains and the river Ganga. The peaceful surroundings away from the town area, along with the hospitable staff and teachers, create an ideal setting for absorbing the teachings of yoga.
Hari Om Yoga Vidya School is in Rishikesh at the foothills of the Himalayas and the bank of the holy river Ganges. Surrounded by beautiful mountains, lush green surroundings, Himalayan foothills, and tranquility, one can instantly get a natural feeling of sigh, contentment, and happiness. All set to take you on a spiritual and enjoyable journey to India, cherish the yoga teacher training with an enhanced and uplifted spirit, and feel compassion and love for everything life has given to you and for all that is surrounding you.
Located in the beautiful area of Rishikesh near Tapovan, it is designed to provide the perfect setting for exploring the deeper aspects of yoga. The tranquil campus, surrounded by lush greenery, offers a peaceful environment ideal for yoga practice and connecting with nature. The spacious, well-ventilated yoga hall provides breathtaking views of the natural surroundings, allowing students to fully engage in their practice. Their goal is to offer a nurturing and high-quality learning environment for all yoga enthusiasts, ensuring that our school stands out among others in Rishikesh.
Yoga is a spiritual science that is deeply connected to Mother Earth. Practicing yoga in open spaces can make you more receptive. The school and ashram have a large yoga hall that is well-ventilated, allowing you to carry out your activities comfortably. The halls are also equipped with large windows, providing a view of the surrounding nature. While practicing yoga, you will be able to witness the mountains, forests, the flowing Ganga, and the songs of the birds, adding another dimension to your yoga practice.
Once you start attending the classes, you can spot the difference within a short while. They have the best arrangements for all the yoga enthusiasts, who come to us to learn yoga. They have tried their utmost to deliver quality education, along with proper infrastructure. The yoga centre in Rishikesh is the best amongst others offering the same subjects.
You will get three sattvic meals a day that comprise fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, dals, whole grains, and herbal teas. The food is prepared under hygienic conditions as well.
They provide three meals a day, which are vegetarian and sattvic in nature. The food is prepared by expert chefs, who have years of experience in preparing nutritious and delicious meals. The food is prepared using fresh and organic ingredients, which are sourced locally.
They also provide filtered water, herbal tea, and fruits to keep you hydrated and energized throughout the day. They can also accommodate special dietary requirements, such as vegan, gluten-free, and lactose-intolerant diets. Please inform Hari Om Yoga Vidya School in advance so that they can make the necessary arrangements.
To avoid food waste, please note that Hari Om Yoga Vidya School advises students to inform them beforehand whenever they have fasting.
Jolly Grant Airport
15 km
Transfer inklusive
Indira Gandhi International Airport
209 km
Transfer verfügbar gegen Aufpreis US$ 95 pro Person
Please book your flight to arrive at Jolly Grant Airport (DED). Jolly Grant Airport (DED) is an airport in Rishikesh that is only a 40-minute drive to reach the school. You can book your flight from Delhi to Dehradun. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School shall be happy to send transportation to pick you up freely from Jolly Grant Airport (DED) and bring you to the school. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School can arrange transportation from Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) to the school. They will meet you at the exit gate of the airport. The cost of transportation is 95 USD.
Being a popular tourist destination, Rishikesh has a good network of buses connecting it with important places such as Haridwar, Dehradun, and New Delhi. Buses depart in the morning and late evening from the Kashmere Gate ISBT, New Delhi, for Rishikesh every day. You can choose from a regular, deluxe, or luxurious coach.
You can also take a train from New Delhi train station to Haridwar (a bigger town which is 32 kilometers from Hari Om Yoga Vidya School Rishikesh or 45 minutes drive). From Haridwar, the School can provide you with a transfer by car to Rishikesh for 30 USD.
Taking a taxi up to Rishikesh is worth considering as it is connected to other cities via the National Highway 58, which is in good condition for most of the year. The drive from Delhi to Rishikesh would take approximately six to seven hours. The approximate fare from New Delhi is 95 USD and from Dehradun is 50 USD.
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