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Submerge yourself into a Yin yoga training and learn to share the subtle meditative qualities of this practice. Created from a blend of the ethereal sciences of the east and the material sciences of the west, Yin yoga is all about balance. This training uses lecture and guided practice to develop a conceptually diverse understanding with extensive first-hand experience.
During the training, you will be accommodated in Andriana‘s. The apartments are nestled within beautiful grounds, just a stone's throw away from the beach. Each apartment is spacious, with a modern thermostatic air conditioning unit, little kitchen, and a balcony with some selected rooms having sea views.
Your balcony will overlook the immaculately landscaped garden, with tropical plants and trees. There are hammocks, loungers, and a selection of books for you to read while you relax. If you fancy eating outside with friends, feel free to use the brick barbeque and outdoor dining area.
The course / hours count as Continuing Education hours for Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®) only.
This training uses lectures and guided practices to develop a conceptually diverse understanding with extensive first-hand experience. Yin yoga brings your awareness through the tissues of your body releasing tension layer by layer. Becoming well-versed in Yin yoga is like being able to apply a deep tissue massage to your body with your mind. By making that experiential connection to all you have heard or read about Chi, you can begin to find a new way to experience your body.
This curriculum emphasizes the balance between Eastern (ethereal) and Western (material) sciences. With an in-depth exploration of meditation, subtle anatomy and physical anatomy learn to teach the subtle qualities of Yin yoga. Using lectures and guided practices, you will develop your own strategies for teaching and working with students to guide them to listen to their bodies. The deeper you go with your training and self-exploration the more you can help students learn from their own bodies to create a deep tissue massage with their mind.
The training consists of 4 primary formats of imbuing the content. The focus is on practicing the content via guided Yin sessions and meditation techniques alongside the significant practice of each pose in the asana lab. Providing the groundwork for the practice are the lectures, which are presented via projector and slide show. Dialogue plays an important role throughout in connecting the content with each student and addressing their questions. Finally, the course requires some at-home study prior to and during the training to ensure that the individual students are processing the material in their own way. This is accomplished through readings, journaling and an essay. There are no formal tests in the course as the training maintains an ongoing evaluation of student comprehension through various means including the teaching practicum at the end (don’t worry they keep it super casual and are there to support you in each moment).
ineayoga also offers excursions, from short hiking trips to long trips, as well as including some time to swim and enjoy the beach.
Yoga is very special to Cedric - it's the connection of breathing, moving, and consciousness. Yoga does not just happen on the mat, for him, yoga is the path to his true self - to freedom. He was certified as an Ashtanga and Vinyasa teacher (500-hour) in India and as an Anusara yoga teacher (200-hour) in Germany. He also assisted four weeks as Karma yogi for ongoing yoga teacher trainings. He finds the full depth of yoga in meditation. Meditation is his foundation and inspiration. He practices sound healing, Kriya yoga and did a 10 days Vipassana meditation at Dhamma Setu, India.
TJ’s yoga story began when he received a book, the Tao Te Ching, as a gift from his sister 18 years ago. The book poetically explores ideas that resonated with him then and continue to guide him today. TJ travels the world providing Yin yoga teacher training to numerous communities to share the much needed Yin vibe via YUJMU, which he founded in 2015. He combines his background as a school teacher and artist to create an immersive and transformative curriculum that centers on each student and their unique sensibilities, empowering them to look inward for answers.
This training will take place in Saint George South, at Argyrades in Corfu, Greece. Saint George is located in the stunning southwest coast of Corfu, surrounded by nature, golden sand dunes, the lake of Korission, clear blue and safe sea, and endless sunsets; while Corfu is a beautiful island with an international airport.
During this retreat, you will be served daily brunch and dinner. Yummy and healthy is what a yogi needs. Breakfast with typical Greek specialties, as well as fresh fruits, nutrient seeds, local honey, cakes, savory dishes and the famous delicious nuts‘n’fruits porridge bowls. For dinner, the in-house chef will serve the best traditional Greek dishes as well as international meals and salads full of goodness – just what your body needs. Dishes are full of ingredients from local, seasonal farming.
Ineayoga also has an onsite cafe, serving high quality, delicious coffee and other drinks and snacks.
Offers vary depending on availability.
ineayoga provides massages from their in-house massage therapist, Jenny. She has over a decade of experience and offers a variety of treatments. You can request to have a daily massage for an additional fee.
Corfu International Airport (Ioannis Kapodistrias Int'l Airport)
20 km
Transfer verfügbar gegen Aufpreis US$ 62 pro Person
Please book your flight to arrive at Aerolimenas Kerkiras Ioannis Kapodistria (CFU). INEAYOGA offers an airport transfer for 60 EUR one-way, to be paid in cash on arrival. A week before your training starts they will send out an email with all logistics, including how to book this.
There are two ferry ports in Corfu, one in Lefkimmi in the South (closer to our Yoga Centre) and one in Corfu Town.
Take the Greenline B5 bus to Agios Georgios South, Corfu - the bus stops in front of our place, INEAYOGA/Andriana Apartments
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