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Dieses Angebot ist eines der 10 beliebtesten in Nepal
Yoga seekers from all traditions and styles are invited to join Nepal Yoga Home’s advanced yoga teacher training course (YTTC). 500-Hours yoga training is good for those who are dedicated to a higher standard of learning looking to deepen their yoga, meditation, breathing science (pranayama), and yoga philosophy. This course is advanced not only because you practice advanced asana, but you will develop deeper awareness, realization, and peace within you. Come and join this Nepal's number one yoga school today. Because of the current situation, it's very hard to get a visa, and great news for you as Nepal Yoga Home can process anyone's visa from the Nepal embassy. To know more about this, send your inquiry today!
Nepal Yoga Home is offering single and double room based on the student’s requirements and cost. You will get the bathroom with western toilet and hot shower. All room is wide and comes with a comfortable bed. The rooms for the yoga students are well maintained and clean. Nepal Yoga Home offer bed sheets, pillows, bath towels, toilet paper, and blanket upon arrival. Free Wi-Fi and pure drinking water are available. You will get the comfortable zone for spiritual learning.
Students who complete their subsequent trainings are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).
This advanced level yoga teacher training will give you a broader and deeper set of skills and insights to bring into your practice and teaching. The 500-hours yoga Teacher Training Course is a four weeks residential certification course. Nepal Yoga Home offers the most affordable yoga teacher training course with the backdrop of the Himalayas in Kathmandu-Nepal. This organization is registered with Yoga Alliance International and the Nepal government.
This advanced course of yoga includes yoga postures, meditation, breathing science (pranayama, mudra, bandha), yoga philosophy, yoga detox, and yoga anatomy in depth. This is a complete training which is an intense, challenging, rewarding, and life changing experience. When it’s done, you will be amazingly well prepared to teach.
If you are looking to become a registered and qualified yoga instructor, or if you simply wish to develop deeper into your own personal practice, the advanced yoga teacher training curriculum provides the depth and discipline needed to lift you into physical, mental, and spiritual attunement. The advanced yoga teacher training course is designed according to the international standards for yoga courses under the Yoga Alliance.
After completion, students will receive a certificate of completion which is certified by Yoga Alliance International. All yoga lovers are warmly welcome to achieve your advanced path of wisdom (registered yoga teacher certification) at Nepal Yoga Home. Take your yoga teaching skills toward the higher level. Immerse yourself in a deeper study with the Yoga Alliance certified 500-hour advanced yoga teacher training course.
The yoga school has a team of experienced and highly qualified teachers from various yoga styles and traditions so you can enjoy different styles of yoga and meditation. They love to teach Astanga yoga (eight limbs of Patanjali yoga) and research base Hatha Yoga, but they will teach different styles of yoga to provide a more well-rounded yoga instructor experience.
Nepal Yoga Home will teach the concept of different yoga styles like Iyengar style of yoga, Sivananda yoga, Restorative yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raj-Yoga, Karma Yoga, Mantra yoga, Kundalini yoga, etc. The yoga teachers will be happy to share experiences with people from all over the world.
This yoga training course focuses on skillfully encouraging personal reflection regarding physical, mental, and emotional aspects inherent in each pose, pranayama, and meditation. They welcome teachers and students from other traditions who wish to take a yoga training course for personal enrichment and to be a professional yoga teacher or yoga guru.
The 500-hour yoga teacher training course delivers a comprehensive, theoretical, and practical hands-on training program. Trainees emerge as confident teachers with a strong and solid teaching skill set ready to begin their career.
Trainees also gain a comprehensive understanding of the practice of yoga asanas, meditation yoga philosophy, physiology, mantra chanting, chakras, anatomy, mudras, pranayama, and other traditional and modern research base yoga techniques. Nepal Yoga Home is teaching various skills to help students to meet their goals and interest by careful observation, motivation, and guidance.
There are many potential reasons why someone is interested in an advanced yoga study course. For some, teaching yoga can be an ideal career path, for others, it is appealing for a healthy life. Whatever the interest, the 500-hour yoga teacher training program will help you. This advanced training course is very beneficial to be a qualified and registered yoga teacher.
Also, it can be a very worthwhile experience for individual growth. Teacher training is a great holistic education for the body, mind, and spirit. By going through a training program, you’ll have an opportunity to expand your current knowledge, for your own self-exploration or personal development. Also, it will take your personal experience with yoga to the next level.
Going through this training you will be able to learn different styles of meditation. The meditation training will cover techniques used for mastery of self, stress reduction, as well as techniques used for personal and spiritual evolution. This advanced yoga teacher training can help you to move through life challenges and transitions with better ease and less stress.
An advanced teacher training is a perfect way to learn about the ancient texts that contain the most important information about the yogic science. By obtaining this knowledge, you’ll have the chance to really dive into the philosophical side of yoga and you will be clear about the real objective and meaning of yoga.
Yoga postures will give you the tools to practice more self-care and feel strong and healthy in your body. In training, you will learn about the physical body in great detail as you learn about the alignment and benefits of postures. You will be immersed in functional anatomy so you can understand how the poses affect your body and how to perfect them. This learning will help you to limit future injuries, or recover from a current one.
You will also learn how to modify and adjust poses as well as learn challenging poses. Yoga training programs bring students of all physical levels together to learn from each other’s different body types, injuries, flexibility levels, and strengths. In 500-Hours teacher training, you may be exposed to more yoga modalities like Astanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Sivananda yoga, Iyengar yoga, Restorative yoga, Raj-yoga, Karma yoga, Mantra yoga, Kundalini yoga etc.
You will experience personal transformation while becoming an internationally certified and registered yoga teacher after five hundred hours. You will benefit from the study of yogic science, anatomy, asana, pranayama, chanting, meditation, yoga philosophy, fundamentals of Ayurveda, ethics, and lifestyle.
Yoga Teacher Training is a great way to expand and still your mind. You will be reading the yoga sutras, the ancient philosophical texts of yoga that teach practitioners how to manage the workings of the mind through focus, discipline, practice, and meditation. You will learn the obstacles that we all face and how the benefits of yoga can shift your awareness and create a more positive frame of mind.
One of the greatest benefits of the program is the self-discovery and time to reflect as you approach life with a heightened sense of awareness. This course has been built to provide a depth understanding and experience of yoga. The trainee will gain new insights about themselves and their practice. Yoga and meditation are the traditional teachings where you will inherit the fruits of the wisdom of happy and healthy science.
The curriculum is developed from the Yoga Alliance 500 Hour Teacher Training standards and has developed and been shaped by experienced teachers. The curriculum takes you through the essential elements required to deepen and enrich your own yoga practice and to teach students with confidence. The curriculum includes the following:
This course covers the practice of techniques and alignment for approximately 100 of the most effective and advanced asanas. In this advanced level course, you will practice modern, traditional, research-based, advanced, variations, and precise corrections for a deeper understanding of yoga Asanas.
Besides this, you will learn different styles of yoga asanas from different traditions of yoga like Hatha yoga and Astanga yoga, Iyengar yoga, Sivananda yoga, Restorative yoga, Kundalini yoga, Power yoga, Vinyasa flow, etc.
Breathing (prana) is life. It is one of our most important sources of vital energy. Pranayama or breathing exercises promote proper breathing. In a yogic point of view, proper breathing is to bring more oxygen to the blood and to the brain and to control Prana or the vital life energy. Pranayama is the key to a deep experience of meditation.
The breath is a doorway to enter into you. Students will develop deeper into their own practice of pranayama and purify the whole body through pranic (breath) energy. At the end of the course, students will gain the skills to teach their own pranayama classes. In this course, students will learn the anatomy and physiology of breath on the physical and subtle levels and how to teach advanced pranayama and also pranic energy control techniques, bandhas, and mudras.
In order to follow the technique of pranayama, it is necessary to know something about mudras, and bandhas. The Sanskrit word mudra means a seal or a lock. It denotes positions which close the body apertures, where the fingers are held together with special hand gestures. Mudras are a combination of breath with special postures of body and fingers to stimulate different energy centers and subtle channels in the body.
The Sanskrit word Bandha means to hold, or lock. It also refers to a posture in which certain organs or parts of the body are gripped, contracted and controlled. In the practice of a Bandha, the energy flow to a particular area of the body is blocked. When the Bandha is released, this causes the energy to flood more strongly which removes the blockages in energy centers.
In ancient times, yoga Ashrama had a rich meditation practice that has been lost in many modern traditions. Some Yoga schools today turn to Buddhism for meditation. This 500-hour yoga teacher training will explore the many types of deeper and advanced meditation techniques.
During the yoga teacher training courses, Nepal Yoga Home will also teach unique and efficient soul meditation techniques developed by the Acharya Prakash (Director of Nepal Yoga Home). Meditation lessons will make you clear about the introduction of meditation, meditation, and mind relation, how you can remove mental problems through meditation, etc.
After learning these techniques you will explore how they can be incorporated into a modern practice and can teach to your student.
Yoga philosophy has an important role in yoga teacher training. On yoga philosophy, you will learn the authentic scripture of yoga like Patanjali yoga sutra, Bhagavad-gita, Veda, and Upanishad, etc.
Mantras are ways of using sound vibrations to affect consciousness and receive the benefits of peace of mind. Mantra chanting is a powerful way to integrate body, voice, mind, and the emotions. Certain vibrations that are produced while chanting can enhance physical and mental health.
The method of teaching is traditional, where chants are taught orally to students. Chanting has multiple benefits when done under good guidance. The practice of mantra chanting generates certain vibrations in different parts of the body. Hence, when applied appropriately, can enhance physical and mental health. This sacred mantra opens you to your spiritual path.
Nepal Yoga Home offers you a basic knowledge of Ayurveda (traditional medicinal system), which can help in healthy living, how to use Ayurveda according to dosha and to diagnose and cure, and general use of Ayurveda. The practice of yoga should be complemented by the right kind of food in order to fully benefit from what yoga has to offer.
So you will learn what to eat, how to eat, how to balance the food, how to cook, and which foods are good to maintain a healthy life. You will be guided by our teachers in the following topics.
The yoga detoxification lesson will make you clear about yogic cleansing techniques and their practical application. In yogic detoxification, we will teach theory and practical aspects of Sat-Karma (six yogic cleansing) and fast for body detox. Sat karma (sometimes known as Sat kriya) has two components: ‘sat’ meaning ‘six’ and ‘karma’ meaning ‘process’.
The word ‘kriya’ or ‘karma’ is used in Yoga in a special technical sense regarding the techniques of cleansing. The main six cleansing process are Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalbhati, and Tratak.
Shanka prakshalana (sometimes referred as laghu shankaprakshalana) is a yoga kriya that cleanses the intestines. The word Shankhaprakshalana comes from two words. Shankha means “conch” and prakshalana means to wash completely.
The word shankhaprakshalana is used to cleanse the entire alimentary canal from mouth to anus. You will learn the proper practices for conducting this cleansing which includes drinking warm salty water and selected asana for cleansing. We will focus on perfecting the following five asanas, i.e. Tadasana, Tiryaka Tadasana, Kati Chakrasana, Tiryaka Bhujangasana and Udarakarshanasana.
Every day the team chose a different topic for the workshop. The workshops will focus on topics such as hip opening, head stand, and inversions, back bending, arm balances, breathing science, diet, traditional medicinal system etc. and are conducted every day to help you understand and practice these safely and effectively. Workshops include hands-on adjustments, developing and implementing yoga programs, anatomy, meditation and more.
Therapeutic yoga is the application of yoga postures, pranayama, meditation and yoga detox processes to treat the different diseases. This involves instruction in yogic practices and teachings to prevent, reduce, or alleviate structural, physiological, emotional and spiritual pain, suffering or limitations.
Yoga helps to recover to stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, sleep disorder and enhances overall well-being and quality of life. Yoga is recognized as a form of mind-body medicine that integrates an individual’s physical, mental and spiritual components to improve the health.
On this advanced level yoga teacher training, you will learn yoga as a good therapy for different diseases. This covers the basics of therapeutic yoga. Our student will learn benefits of each posture and how to give one on one therapeutic yoga sessions.
We teach different issues from simple to complex. We teach therapeutic yoga for the following, but this can inspire ideas for other cases and diseases: yoga for back pain, yoga for stress and anxiety, yoga for depression, yoga for high blood pressure, yoga for constipation, yoga for heart disease, yoga for diabetes, yoga for pregnancy, yoga for looking young, yoga for positive health, yoga for headache and migraine, yoga for arthritis, yoga for asthma, yoga for sleeping disorder and more.
Twenty hours teaching practice is required for every student. The Nepal Yoga Home manages the teaching classes and classes can be taught in Nepal Yoga Home or at other yoga institutions. Teaching practice will build confidence for the students.
We have written exams after every 50 hours to sharpen the student’s knowledge. Our practicum Includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others, hearing and giving feedback, and also assisting students while someone else is teaching.
Students study the Patanjali’s Astanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga Philosophy with an emphasis on how you can incorporate this into your own practice and day-to-day life. Daily chanting, meditation, and pranayama provide spiritual structure and compliment the most physical practices of the curriculum.
At our 500-hour yoga teacher training in Kathmandu, you will learn very useful and detailed yoga anatomy and physiology. You will learn how to apply anatomy and physiology in classes which will improve your own practice as well your teaching and correction skills.
In addition, you can acquire more confidence in your knowledge of anatomy and gain more insight into the injuries and special conditions that your students may be dealing with. We will focus on practical applications of anatomy in postures. This Includes both human anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs) to incorporate in yoga practice.
Everybody we respect you very much but we have some rules to maintain the purity and quality of the yogic lifestyle. Here are some rules and regulations:
Each day includes yoga workshops in a different style of yoga and different topics. Daily yoga classes, guided meditation, pranayama, philosophy, and yogic discussion by nationally renowned teachers. This is a sample schedule and may change according to subjects, topics, and situations.
Any 200-hour registered yoga teacher, any yoga teacher, or aspirant with a reasonable level of proficiency in any style of yoga is eligible.
This yoga teacher training includes a weekly outdoor trip and social and cultural activities such as hiking, karma yoga (work without attachment and desire), town visits, yoga lectures, and Nepali language lessons.
Prakash Acharya is the founder of Nepal Yoga Home. His life is fully devoted to social transformation through yoga and meditation. He is working for those children who have been deprived of education due to their poverty in remote areas of Nepal. When he was a student, his subject was science (physics) and his objective was to know spirituality in a scientific way. After completing his Bachelor of Science degree, he pursued a Master degree of Science in Yogic Science and Human Consciousness.
RamHari Thapa completed an international Yoga Alliance certified yoga instructor course of Ashtanga Vinyasa.
Dr. Bikalpa Paudel is a yoga anatomy teacher as well as a consultant Ayurveda physician at Nepal Yoga Home. Completed his bachelor's degree in Ayurveda medicine from Tribhuwan University. Dr Paudel is one of the most experienced and efficient teaching staff. His lectures on basic anatomy concepts relevant to yoga practices are vivid and comprehensive. Dedicated, enthusiastic, and committed to his teaching practice, he is skilled in adapting to the diverse learning styles of students. Trainees are sure to find an easy learning environment with him.
Mr. Rajendra Prasad Neupane is teaching yoga and meditation internationally since 2002. He is specialized in meditation and has completed his master's degree in Buddhism.
Deependra is a highly qualified yoga instructor with 20 Years of experience in the yoga field. He completed a master's degree in Yoga Science, from Haridwar, India. He worked in the Department of Research on Yoga Philosophy and he was responsible for providing data on ancient Yoga scriptures from the Department of Archaeology, Kathmandu.
This retreat will take place at Nepal Home Yoga located in Kathmandu, Nepal. Nepal is situated in the incredible Himalayas, home of the Yogi’s and Lord Buddha’s birth place. The house is located in a peaceful environment amidst the mountains, jungle, and beautiful village yet not far from Kathmandu city allowing for inner transformation of body and mind.
During this teacher training, daily delicious and healthy meals are included in the price. Healthy vegan organic breakfast and lunch will be served on all teaching days. There are also many healthy vegans and vegetarian food options are available within minutes from the yoga center serving irresistibly good food!
Your free time can be used to visit and enjoy the sights around the countryside. Enjoy Nepali culture, Nepali fashion, Nepali food, and Nepali language. Classes are held six days a week and the seventh day is for optional trips to cultural and spiritual places. One-hour selfless service (karma yoga) to the yoga home community is optional.
Also, all spa facilities are available on extra cost. You can enroll a spa treatment, an Ayurveda training, an Ayurveda retreat, massage training, and massage therapy, panchakarma, Shirodhara, and many other natural medicinal techniques for an additional price.
Tribhuvan International Airport
9 km
Transfer verfügbar gegen Aufpreis US$ 10 pro Person
Please book your flight to arrive at Tribhuvan International airport (KTM). Transfer from the airport is included in the price. Once you arrive at the airport, go to the prepaid taxi counter and simply pass Nepal Yoga Home contact number and address. You can expect to arrive at the school within 30 minutes.
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