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Welcome to the seven-day, 60-hour Yin yoga teacher training in Ibiza. This course is a deeply transformative healing journey that will help you to embody more Yin energy in your life, which will open a more loving, more still, more attentive, and more caring, enjoyable journey than the fast-paced Western pattern.
You will stay in a beautiful villa. Imagine a stunning traditional Ibizan-style villa that has loads of space to just be, with an indoor area to relax in, lovely bedrooms, and serene decoration.
The course / hours count as Continuing Education hours for Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®) only.
This yoga teacher training is registered with Yoga Alliance® as YACEP ('continuous education'). This means that you can add these hours to your training hours, which you are required to add every three years if you are already a registered yoga teacher.
But, you can also use these 60 hours to start to work towards your 200 hours / 300 hours / 500 hours RYT certificate with Rise and Shine Yoga School if you are not a yoga teacher yet.
To get certified, you will have to complete a short-written coursework on which you will get feedback and send in the book review of one of the required readings. Then, you will receive your 60-hour Yin yoga teacher certificate upon completion.
Join Rise & Shine Yoga in magical Ibiza for their popular Yin yoga teacher training that they have been offering for 11 years worldwide. For them, Yin yoga has been a very powerful tool to bring balance in their lives, as well as to create a daily space where the body can let go and revitalize while the mind is slowing down—and that is just the beginning.
In this Yin teacher training, Rise and Shine Yoga will work with identifying and honoring the individual constitutions, skeletons, and needs, as well as taking care of every person. Learn about functional anatomy and fascia, and dive into the essence of the five elements, organs, and meridian therapy from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
The yoga teacher training also includes a lot of content and practices that will help you unlock the transformational power and unique qualities of Yin yoga. For example, did you know that Yin yoga can be a great way to increase your range of flexibility in a very smooth way? Or that it helps your body to detoxify?
Discover how Yin yoga can help you to let go of physical, emotional, and mental tensions. It is a great way to calm your mind and your nervous system and to connect deeper to yourself.
Your yoga practices and lectures will give a deeper understanding of your body, so that you will learn how to listen to the sensations and what you can do during your practice.
Learn how you can surrender and soften slowly into more flexibility without any effort—under professional guidance and in love with yourself.
During this training, you will also learn how to facilitate individual Yin yoga sessions and how to identify the important areas that need extra attention. Furthermore, you will receive individual feedback and coaching on your teaching from Kata van Doesselaar.
You will learn to embody the Yin quality yourself through all the teachings. This quiet, nourishing quality will infuse your life and teachings with new energies. Through precise instructions, you will receive full guidance on how to teach Yin yoga classes in a skillful, inspired, and of course, safe way.
Yin yoga anatomy and fascia release techniques, modifications for each pose to tailor a practice to all needs.
You will learn how to sequence your own Yin yoga classes based on a variety of themes and focuses. So, after certification, you will be able to offer group and individual classes and workshops.
If needed, you can also read these after the teacher training, but it is requested of you to read them for your certification.
Note that the schedule can change according to the group's needs and that every second evening will have a special session.
Kata is an experienced yoga teacher, teacher trainer , breath and massage therapist, healer, and coach. She's practiced yoga for 20 years and has been a teacher for 15 years. She has been trained in various styles (Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa) Kata's primary style became the Prana Vinyasa Flow (Krishnamacharya lineage) founded by Los Angeles-based Shiva Rea, and she nourishes a deep connection to Shiva. Her other favorite practice is Yin yoga. These last years Kata developed her own style and training, which she shares with passion, adding more healing modalities.
The packages include daily vegan meals. If you are local and will be joining from home, you'll recognize the meals that will be provided by a professional private chef. Snacks, tea, water, and coffee will be available during the day.
Enjoy a myofascial physical treatment included in the price.
Ibiza Airport
20 km
Transfer nicht inbegriffen
Book your flight to Ibiza Airport (IBZ). Airport transfer is not included in the price. For more information, please send an inquiry.
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