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A master level yoga teaching program that works to enhance your yogic knowledge to a whole new level is the 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program. Where there is no doubt left, where there every nuance gets clear, where there you get to understand yoga deeply, that higher level is the master level program of 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh. This program works by building up the learning you get from other levels of yoga TTC. This course contains two levels: the first level of 200 Hours yoga TTC and the second level of 300 Hours yoga TTC.
You will stay at Vinyasa Yoga Ashram in Tapovan, Rishikesh in India. It is situated at peaceful place and surrounded by lush green mountains and fields. You will be able to witness glorious pastel-colored sunsets at the end of each day on the terrace balcony where you are free to do meditation and yoga.
The rooms are spacious and ventilated. Management is always at your service to keep your rooms clean and hygienic.
It includes two separate beds for two people, an attached bathroom, a nice balcony, free Wi-Fi, and hot water.
It includes one big bed, an attached bathroom, free Wi-Fi, and hot water.
After completing the whole 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Program, you can feel the life-changing experience that will benefit you in a quite positive way. Specially designed for yoga seekers all around the world, this 500 Hours Yoga TTC will take you to the depths of your knowledge of yoga.
Certainly, this course will strengthen your practice and learning of yoga and further build your existing skills in the yogic field. So, through Vinyasa Yoga Ashram, give your yogic life a bright new way.
Completing both the 200 and 300 hours of yoga teacher training with the same yoga school ensures both consistency and depth. This is the fastest way to complete all your course requirements.
It comes with the benefits of the enhancement of flexibility and strength, stress management techniques, and attainment of inner calmness. Ashtanga yoga is the yoga style of exercise created by K. Pattabhi Jois. It is the eight limbs in the Yoga Sutra outlined by Patanjali that comprises postures, concentration, meditation, and ethical and moral guidance.
Started by five repetitions of Surya Namaskar A and B respectively and followed by a standing sequence, the practice of Ashtanga forces you to grow and stay focused.
Moving your body powerfully and quickly during Ashtanga will also help in the purification of mind and body.
Vinyasa is a Sanskrit word that means "variations within prescribed parameters." This style of yoga is a breath-initiated process. This yoga style helps in synchronizing the bond between your daily life actions with the intent of moving towards the important aspects of life. Vinyasa or Flow yoga comprises various identical postures, the order of which often changes. This yoga type is has a flowing rhythm at a quick pace that links your breath with the movements.
The two classes of Vinyasa cannot be alike. Vinyasa flow helps in preventing repetitive injuries and helps in building a more balanced body.
Rishikesh is situated on the land of the divine and spirituality. To experience the beauty and the enthusiasm of the city of yoga, you will visit the sacred places of Rishikesh.
There will be two excursions per month in the course, and you may go to any of the following places:
A high degree of self-motivation is required for all aspects of the course. The practice and especially the teaching of yoga demand a high degree of self-discipline and purity. To ensure the success of the program, participants are required to attend all spiritual activities, meditation sessions, lectures and asana classes.
Meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and nudity are prohibited during the course as they are counterproductive to the yoga practice. Participants who do not comply with the school rules may be dismissed from the course.
Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school. If you are having a fast any day, you have to inform the kitchen manager to food waste. Always stay disciplined, respect the teachers and follow all rules. Always be on time. If you are late, you will not be permitted to join the class.
Clear your books of account before departure from Vinyasa Yoga Ashram. Before departure return your books, maps or any goods which you borrowed. Vinyasa Yoga Ashram provides accommodation for the student who joins the yoga course. Any friends or relatives will not be included in accommodation; however, they can stay in school by renting another room. The student has to be present in all scheduled programs of Vinyasa Yoga Ashram.
500 hours is a combination of 200 and 300 hours of yoga TTC. You start with the primary series in the first month and then progress gradually to the intermediate series of Ashtanga yoga. You will be systematically guided through the complete sequence created by K. Pattabhi Jois in a traditional way which includes:
Month 1
Month 2
In the last week of both 200- and 300-hour courses, students will be asked to prepare their own flow and guide the class.
Yoga philosophy is one of the six major orthodox schools of Hinduism. Ancient, medieval and most modern literature often refers to the yoga school of Hinduism simply as Yoga. It is closely related to the Samkhya school of Hinduism. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a key text of the Yoga school of Hinduism.
Hatha Yoga, as described in the early yoga Upanishads, was made up of the shatkarma and is a very precise and systematic science. Shat means ‘six’ and karma means ‘action.’ The shatkarma consist of six groups of purification practices. The aim of Hatha yoga and therefore of the shatkarma is to create harmony between the two major pranic flows, ida and pingala thereby attaining physical and mental purification and balance.
Teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on the subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner. It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information onto their students.
Students will be tested based on:
Note: all these additional classes are not part of the course but are included additionally.
Note: All classes are mandatory. Only in case of an emergency or illness can one take leave with respective teacher's permission. Uninformed leaves won't be accepted and this will leave bad impression on student's monthly performance.
Check in
Opening ceremony
Certification ceremony
Check out
Pradeep Singh is lead yoga instructor at Vinyasa Yoga Ashram. He has completed his Master’s degree in Yoga from Sanskrit University in India. He has also completed his 500 hour yoga teacher training course from Rishikesh (the world capital of yoga) and he has been training teachers for 6-7 years and has got wonderful command over what he does.
Vinyasa Yoga Ashram is located in the yoga capital of the world, Rishikesh. Experience its enthralling beauty and breathe in pure air. Join them in Rishikesh for a lifetime experience of the goodness of yoga in this picturesque landscape of mountains and rivers and carry home the knowledge, philosophy and secrets of the ancient sages on India. The ashram is located in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, near-by banks of river Ganges. All the popular shops, markets, and cafes are just around the corner.
You are what you eat. A nourishing, sattvic diet rooted in ayurvedic principles is essential to a yogic lifestyle. They provide three soulful vegetarian meals with vegan and gluten-free options that support your holistic health goals.
Including local and Indian meals as well as global cuisines, the aim is to provide a satiating palette that doesn't compromise nutritional values. The options include juices, porridge, poha, soups, curries, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, rice, etc.
Every meal is designed to support your yoga practice to make your body and mind stronger and feel lighter.
There are a variety of therapies and treatments available at an additional cost as listed below.
Five fold purification therapy
Ayurveda doctor consultation
Special treatment
Vacuum massage
Gel massage
Yoga massage
Marma massage
Mud bath
Marma tharapy
Emotional block
Jolly Grant Airport
14 km
Transfer nicht inbegriffen
Indira Gandhi International Airport
209 km
Transfer nicht inbegriffen
Please book your flight to arrive at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) or Jolly Grant Airport (DED).
Indira Gandhi International Airport is the nearest and most convenient airport for you to fly to. However, if you are visiting India for the first time, it is better to take a flight to Jolly Grant Airport (DED) in Dehradun. Dehradun is 30 minutes away by car. Vinyasa Yoga Ashram can also book a taxi for you at an additional cost. Please contact Vinyasa Yoga Ashram for more information.
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