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India Yoga Teacher Training with Sound Healing

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Become a US Yoga Alliance certified Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa Flow teacher and learn from some of the best teachers of Rishikesh. Transform your perception of life with this in-depth course that deals with traditional Hatha yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, yoga philosophy, pranayama, meditation, anatomy, adjustment and alignment, mantra chanting, and much more, on a holistic level.

Die Lehrer

Ashish Tanushree Shivam & 13 Mehr...


  • Daily yoga and meditation
  • Family-operated school for a family environment and safety
  • Yoga books and study materials will be provided
  • Eligible to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion
  • Visit the Himalayan Sun-Rise Temple, live Ganga Arti, Yogi Cave, and a lot more
  • 3 healthy vegetarian / vegan meals a day are included
  • 24 nights accommodation
  • Enjoy weekly excursions


  • Anfänger
  • Fortgeschrittene


24 Tage Unterricht auf Englisch
Der Veranstalter spricht auch: Hindi
Gruppengröße: Maximal 15 Teilnehmer
Flughafentransfer inklusive: Jolly Grant Airport
Flughafentransfer verfügbar:
Indira Gandhi International Airport (US$ 100 pro Person)
Weniger anzeigen



  • Gesundheits Club
  • Sauna
  • Spa
  • Dampfraum
  • Klimaanlage in den Zimmern
  • Grillplatz
  • Café
  • Essbereich
  • Umweltfreundlich
  • Kamin
  • Garten
  • Küche
  • Lobby
  • Lounge
  • Gepäckaufbewahrung
  • Meditationsgarten
  • Picknickbereich
  • Restaurant
  • Rauchfreies Grundstück
  • Terrasse
  • Yoga Deck
  • Yoga Shala
  • Yoga Studio
  • Geldautomat / Bank
  • Schönheitssalon
  • Boardverleih
  • Autovermietung
  • Handy Verleih
  • Lebensmittelgeschäft
  • Geldwechsel
  • Reinigung
  • Kostenloses Parken
  • Kostenloses WLAN
  • Friseur
  • Internetzugang
  • Bügeleisen / Bügelbrett
  • Laptop Verleih
  • Wäscherei
  • Bibliothek
  • Medizinische Versorgung
  • Gemeinschaftsraum
  • Zeitungen
  • Parkplatz
  • Tourenplanung
  • Drahtloses Internet
  • Außendusche

For your stay, you would be given comfortable, pleasant, and hygienic rooms. Every single room would have a private attached bathroom coupled with both cold and hot water. Apart from this, the rooms will be endowed with free Wi-Fi and essential amenities for daily needs. You can pick a shared room or opt for a solo one too.

  • Equipped with proper furniture
  • Attached bathrooms
  • Both running cold and hot water
  • Unlimited Wi-Fi free of cost
  • Water throughout the day
  • Safety with CCTV

The accommodation is provided in the same building as the classes so it is convenient for the students. The accommodation also includes the yoga hall, dining area, and lounge area to sit, relax, and study amidst magnificent views. Wi-Fi, water and room heaters, filtered drinking water, and laundry services are available in the building itself as well as the parking area, which is open for the students.

The school has spacious, clean, sattvic rooms, and you can choose from shared, single, or double occupancy rooms as per your comfort and convenience. Shops, ATMs, healthcare, bike rentals, and cafes are all nearby the school within walking distance. The world-famous Laxman Jhula hanging bridge is only a 10-minute walk away.


The 200-hour YTT in Rishikesh is certified by Yoga Alliance USA. Meaning that once you’ve completed the 200-hour training, you will be considered a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). This certificate proves that you have met the minimum standards of yoga training and will be able to teach yoga around the world.

In the training, the concept of Vinyasa Flow is to let the mind move the body consciously, hear its declaration to work more on breath, and work on voluntary actions of the body that are to be checked to prevent consumption of the mento-emotional energy and involuntary action to be controlled with the help of the creating strong will power.

Because the breath is the bridge between the body and mind—means here, you'll see that by working with breath rhythm, the body and mind become very flexible and detoxified on both sides. Once the breath is controlled, the whole life’s rhythm can be understood easily. A 200-hour yoga teacher training course provides you with a good chance for deepening and expanding your theoretical knowledge and practical skills for yoga and meditation.

This is one of the renowned yoga courses that meet the standard requirements of Yoga Alliance. It offers a complete knowledge of yoga and its required components, such as asana, mudra, Kriya, mantra, anatomy, physiology, teaching methodologies, etc.

The 200-hour YTT is a particular category of yoga for anyone who wishes to be a global yoga teacher. Initiate your journey to be a competent yoga teacher, attaining the highest entitlement of E-RYT 500 offered by Yoga Alliance USA.

What will you gain from this course

  • Learn authentic yoga from an indigenous yoga school
  • Get comprehensive knowledge of yoga, both theoretical and practical
  • Obtain a global certification from Yoga Alliance or World Yoga Alliance
  • Get trained in traditional yoga but in the latest scientific way
  • Highly qualified teachers who are well-versed in both theory and practical

Who is this course for

This course is best for those with an avid desire to enhance yoga knowledge as a practice, its techniques, as well as its philosophy. If you are a yoga trainer looking to sharpen your yoga skills or expand your knowledge, then, in that case, this course is perfect for you. No prior knowledge or any degree is required for joining this course.

Designed to get you started on the path of yoga and is the best way for developing a deep understanding of Hatha Ashtanga yoga. Vinyasa Yoga School is one of the best places to dip yourself and achieve growth in your yogic journey. Obtain a remarkable, transforming experience that you will cherish for a lifetime.


Students who complete the training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).


  • Dedication and discipline
  • The consumption of meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is prohibited on the school premises
  • Nudity is strictly prohibited
  • Recommended readings before the course

About the course

Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world, is the best place to learn and understand yoga from its place of origin and become an accomplished yoga instructor. It does not matter if you are an experienced yogi looking for a rich yoga community or a solo traveler enthusiastic about checking for a beautiful destination on your bucket list.

Rishikesh has a lot to offer to anyone and everyone, no matter if you are a yogi or a person trying to figure out the purpose of your life or a traveler who wants to admire and experience the beauty of nature, or just someone who needs a little break from the chaos.

This 200-hour YTT program is designed for beginner and intermediate level practitioners and takes its foundation from Hatha and Ashtanga yoga and emphasizes a thorough understanding of all yoga concepts as well as the science underlying them.

Vinyasa Yogashala designs the schedule in a manner that not only assists your learning but also your individual spiritual growth, making you more disciplined and grateful. The classes are planned in a way that is critical to your development and are expected to be attended regularly and religiously.

You may only take leave with the approval of the respected teachers in the event of an emergency or illness. Thursdays will be the day off instead of Sunday, as it is more crowded during the weekend. 

Brief overview

  • Yoga foundation and importance in life
  • Traditional Hatha yoga practices
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa flow
  • Alignment and adjustment
  • Anatomy of yoga
  • Science and meaning underlying over 150+ yoga poses
  • Teaching methodology
  • Introduction to Himalayan yoga practices
  • Various yoga traditions from around the world
  • Over 150+ yoga postures
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga philosophy
  • Holistic approach towards life
  • Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra and Mantra
  • Meditation and Yoga Nidra
  • Contemplation techniques

Through this course, the qualified teachers at Vinyasa Yogashala, led by Ashish Rawat, impart their knowledge of ancient yogic and Vedic practices so you can get the opportunity to participate in transformative yoga learning experience and meet a new version of your rejuvenated personality.

The 200-hour yoga teacher training program is designed to assist the students with walking on the path of yoga and self-realization, along with equipping themselves with the best of yogic knowledge and experience. Vinyasa Yogashala is one of the finest and most reputed yoga schools in the world and aims at providing you with the best yoga teacher training experience with a deep understanding of the ancient and modern practices of yoga and to become a certified and motivated yoga teacher.

You will be learning from great yoga masters and Ph.D.-holding teachers. The quizzes, assignments, and exams ensure better learning. This one-month life-changing course is guaranteed to give you the knowledge of a lifetime.


1. Mantra and mantra chanting

a. Mantra

A mantra is made up of specific sounds and vibrations that ancient yogis and seers received after years of dedication and disciplined spiritual practice. The effects of mantras are on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. There are a variety of mantras for various specific purposes. In this course, you will be learning:

  • Mantra; art and science
  • Power of Mantra
  • How is a mantra created?
  • Is mantra considered a religion?
  • Sound vibrations and their significance 

b. Mantra chanting

  • The proper way to chant
  • Aum; meaning and importance
  • Shiva mantra (peace)
  • Ganesha mantra (removal of obstacles and stillness)
  • Krishna mantra (joy)
  • Durga mantra (energy awakening)
  • Kundalini mantra (chakra stimulation)
  • Pavanaman mantra (lead towards light and immortality)
  • 12 mantras from the Surya Namaskar series
  • Guru Brahma (Guru mantra)
  • Twameva Mata (Surrender mantra)
  • Tryambakam (save life and safe journey)
  • Gayatri Mantra (purification of the mind)
  • Sahana Bhavatu (Guru-disciple study mantra)
  • Yogena cittasya (Patanjali mantra)

2. Hatha yoga

In this course, they'll teach the classic ancient Hatha yoga techniques that have been taught for thousands of years by great Himalayan gurus. The practices can be done as per the strength and flexibility of the student, as the major goal is optimum mental and physical health and not trying to achieve unattainable standards of perfection. Following is the list of postures (asanas) to be practiced:

  • Surya Namaskar (12 asana series)
  • Chandra namaskar (12 asana series)
  • Pavan muktasana series 1, 2, and 3
  • Standing postures series
  • Centering postures series  
  • Kneeling postures series 
  • Sitting postures series
  • Forward bending postures series 
  • Backward bending postures series 
  • Supine postures series 
  • Prone postures series
  • Fire series 
  • Inversions series 
  • Twisting postures series 
  • Balancing postures series 
  • Relaxing postures series 
  • Meditative postures series 

There are about 140 yoga exercises. They consider theory as significant as practicing because one can not do it well without proper understanding. Everything is taught from the base level. With dedication and self-motivation, it becomes easier to get deeper into the postures. Here are some of the theories that will be taught:

  • Philosophy of Hatha yoga
  • Ancient scriptures 
  • Aim and objectives 
  • Yoga therapy
  • Balancing through yoga
  • Hatha yoga and its connection with nadis, chakras, Kundalini, and the subtle body

3. Ashtanga yoga

K. Pattabhi Jois developed a modern-day form of classical Indian yoga called Ashtanga Vinyasa in the mid-20th century, which he was taught by his Guru Krishnamacharya as an energetic practice of mindful movements with breath awareness. In a 200-hour yoga teacher training course, the first series of Ashtanga yoga is taught in a systematic manner and a manual will be provided from the school containing more details. The following will be taught in the Ashtanga class:

  • Ashtanga yoga; introduction
  • History of Ashtanga yoga
  • Awakening of the inner fire
  • The breath of life (Kapalbhati)
  • Prana (life force energy)
  • Chakras
  • Bandhas and their application
  • Eight limbs of yoga 
  • Drishti (focused attention)
  • Cleansing and purification
  • Creating a sacred  practice space
  • Use of yoga props and instruments
  • Sun salutations A and B (week 1)
  • Standing series (week 2)
  • Sitting series (week 3)
  • Finishing series (week 3)
  • Teaching practices (traditional as well as Mysore style - week)

Following are the postures to be taught:

  • Padangustasana or big toes posture
  • Pada hastasana or hand under foot posture
  • Utthita trikonasana  or triangle posture (A + B)
  • Utthita parsvakonasana or extended side angle pose (A + B) 
  • Prasarita padottanasana or intense wide leg stretch (A, B, C, D)
  • Pārśvottānāsana or intense side stretch posture
  • Utthita hasta pādāṅguṣṭāsana or hand to big toe posture
  • Ardha buddha padmottānāsana or half-bound lotus forward bend
  • Utkatāsana or fierce pose
  • Vīrabhadrāsana or warrior pose (A + B)
  • Dandasana or staff pose
  • Paścimattānāsana or intense west stretch or sitting forward bend
  • Pūrvattanāsana or intense east stretch
  • Ardha baddha padma paścimattānāsana or half-bound lotus forward bend
  • Tiryaṅgmukha ekapāda paścimattānāsana or reverse the leg, one leg intense stretch
  • Jānuśīrṣāsana or head to knee pose
  • Marīcāsana or sage marichi pose
  • Nāvāsana or boat pose
  • Bhujapīḍāsana or shoulder pressure pose
  • Kūrmāsana or tortoise pose
  • Supta kūrmāsana or sleeping tortoise
  • Garbha piṇḍāsana or embryo posture
  • Kukkuṭāsana or rooster posture
  • Baddha konāsana or bound angle pose
  • Upaviṣṭha konāsana or seated-angle posture
  • Supta konāsana or lying down-angle posture
  • Supta pādāṅguṣṭāsana or reclining big toe posture
  • Ubhaya pādāṅguṣṭāsana or both big toes posture
  • Ūrdhva Mukha paścimattānāsana or upward-facing full forward bend
  • Setu bandhāsana or bridge posture

Finishing postures

  • Ūrdhva dhanurāsana or upward bow posture
  • Salaṁba sarvāṅgāsana or shoulder stand posture
  • Halāsana or plow posture
  • Karṇa pīḍāsana or ear pressure posture
  • Ūrdhva padmāsana or upward lotus
  • Piṇḍāsana or embryo posture
  • Matsyāsana or fish posture
  • Uttāna pādāsana or extended leg posture
  • Cakrāsana or wheel posture
  • Sirsasana or headstand
  • Baddha padmāsana or sealed lotus pose
  • Yoga mudra or sealed yoga posture
  • Padmasana or lotus posture
  • Utpluthih or uprooting posture
  • Savasana or corpse pose

4. Pranayama (breathing practices)

Pranayama, often misunderstood as just a breathing practice, uses breath as a medium to reach the highest state of consciousness. According to yoga, people are born with a certain number of breaths, and a person who has mastery over his breath has mastery over his life.

In this class, you will learn the significance of pranayama in a yogic life and how it leads you to live a life full of peace, happiness, and good health and can also help awaken the Kundalini. Every week, different techniques of Pranayama will be practiced to achieve different states of experience.

  • Week 1: Strength building and understanding pranayama step-by-step
  • Week 2: A deeper understanding of pranayama and different practices
  • Week 3: Advance  practices that involve holding of breath and breathing with chakra awareness
  • Week 4: Mastery of breath and also practice teaching

The topics you will be covering in pranayama

  • Prana and its meaning 
  • What is pranayama?
  • Breath and its connection with the prana
  • Pranayama; importance and benefits
  • Preparation 
  • Ancients texts 
  • Aspects of breathing
  • Activation of nostrils
  • Secrets of pranayama
  • Flow of breath in five elements
  • Unit and function of prana
  • Levels of prana
  • Three Gunas or qualities of material nature
  • How does the flow of prana take place?
  • Quality of breath quality
  • Pranic imbalance
  • Breath retention
  • Sitting positions for practices
  • Breathing patterns
  • Connection of Prana with chakras and Kundalini
  • Beginners and intermediate practices
  • Diaphragmatic pranayama
  • Thoracic pranayama
  • Clavicular pranayama
  • Yogic pranayama
  • Pranava pranayama
  • Surya Phedi pranayama
  • Chandra bhedi pranayama
  • Nadi Shodhana pranayama
  • Shitali pranayama
  • Shitkari pranayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Murcha pranayama
  • Ujjayi pranayama

5. Meditation (dhyana)

Yoga asanas make the body stable and pranayama soothes the nervous system, thus preparing the flow of prana to be channeled effectively and making it easier for the mind to focus. Practicing pratyahara, or the controlling of sense, further facilitates control of the mind, which is the preparation for meditation.

In this course, start with meditating through concentration, and with more practice, the development of high-level awareness and concentrating on various other techniques will be introduced from basic to intermediate level. The right way of practicing the techniques and their benefits will also be explained in the course.

  • Week 1: Foundation of meditation
  • Week 2: one-pointed focus, types of visualization exercises, and concentration techniques
  • Week 3: different meditation techniques
  • Week 4: Kundalini meditation and Chakra awareness

Here is the list of what you will be learning

  • Meditation: History and introduction
  • Preparation for meditation
  • What meditation is and what is not
  • Aim and objectives of meditation
  • Why - how - where - when
  • Philosophy of meditation
  • Meditation traditions
  • Meditation scriptures
  • Preliminary practices prior to practicing meditation
  • 6 Sitting positions for meditation
  • Correct sitting posture
  • Role of diaphragmatic breathing
  • Correct breathing during mediation 
  • Relaxation meditation rules in meditation regarding lifestyle, diet, sleep, sex, and job

Styles of meditation practices

  • Breath awareness (anapana)
  • Mindfulness
  • Mantra chanting
  • Trataka meditation
  • Nada meditation
  • Aum meditation
  • Active meditation
  • Osho meditation (Dynamic)
  • Buddha walking meditation
  • Karma yoga 
  • Sufi and Music meditation
  • Tantra and Kundalini meditation
  • Chakra awareness
  • Ajna or third eye chakra awakening meditation
  • Vipassana and passive meditation practices
  • Japa (recitation) and Ajapa meditation
  • Gaurishankar meditation
  • Natraj meditation
  • Kirtan meditation evening
  • Silence meditation
  • Freewriting
  • Sound healing

6. Yoga Nidra (psychic sleep)

Yoga Nidra (psychic sleep) is sleeping in awareness in such a way that takes you from a conscious state to a superconscious state of awareness. This is the most natural way of sleeping; for all the birds and animals sleep in yoga Nidra and so does a yogi. The goal is to shut out the five senses so the mind can attain pratyahara. Your teacher, Tanushree, is one of the best Yoga Nidra teachers in Rishikesh and will help you to experience the pure consciousness that you are.

  • Week 1: Basic practices for relaxation
  • Week 2: Visualization yoga Nidra 
  • Week 3: Yoga nidra with yoga Nidra
  • Week 4: Inner flame yoga Nidra

You will be learning:

  • Meaning and basics of Yoga Nidra
  • Purpose of Yoga Nidra
  • Various schools and traditions of Yoga Nidra
  • Tantric origin 
  • Lifestyle and rules for practitioners
  • Benefits and risks 
  • Difference between meditation  and Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga Nidra experience
  • Healing with Yoga Nidra
  • Three-body awareness
  • The four states of consciousness
  • Different stages of Yoga Nidra
  • Stress relaxation

7. Yoga cleansing (shatkarma)

A sound mind lives in a sound body. You can only focus your mind on something when your body is at ease. With time, due to many factors, especially your diet and lifestyle, we tend to accumulate a lot of toxins in the body. Cleansing the body is a fundamental step toward working on your yoga journey. 

Shatkarma is a series of six types of cleansing activities that help with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual cleansing. You will be taught these practices in your 200-hour yoga teacher training course. The basic theory of the following is also included:

  • What is Shatkarma
  • Benefits and risks of Shatkarma
  • Who should practice and who should not
  • Preparation to shatkarma
  • Practices post shatkarma
  • Nadi cleansing
  • Jala Neti
  • Rubber Neti
  • Kapalbhati
  • Jihwa dhauti
  • Danda dhauti
  • Karna dhauti
  • Agnisara Kriya

8. Yoga philosophy (Yoga Darshana)

Yoga philosophy is the real essence of yoga. One can simply change his life by understanding the philosophy behind yoga. Hundreds of yogic texts will be introduced to you, a few important ones being the yoga sutra, Bhagwat Geeta, and Upanishad. In this course, the yoga philosophy explained to you will take you on a great journey of knowledge and understanding of life. Kirtans with Iskcon and satsangs are organized for students to have a spiritual experience.

Week 1: Enter the realm of wisdom

  • Introduction to Spirituality, Indian culture, and the Himalayan tradition
  • Introduction to the ancient scriptures 
  • Meaning and purpose of Indian philosophy
  • Nine major Indian philosophies
  • Why is yoga philosophy the most important among all other aspects?
  • History of yoga
  • Different types of yoga

Week 2: Patanjali - external limbs

  • Patanjali and his teachings
  • Introduction to yoga sutras
  • Eight limbs of yoga
  • Yamas and Niyamas
  • Philosophy of Asana and Pranayama
  • The Science behind karma

Week 3: Inward journey of philosophy - internal limbs

  • Philosophy of Dhyana, Dharana, and Samadhi
  • Overview of the first, second, third, and fourth chapters of Patanjali
  • Mind and how to control it
  • Introduction to Upanishad and Bhagavat Geeta

Week 4: Introduction to the wisdom of yoga

  • Nadi
  • Chakras
  • Kundalini
  • Three-fold pain
  • Three bodies (sharira)
  • Panchakoshas(layers)
  • Tri-Gunas (qualities of material nature)
  • Theory of Mahabhutas (elements)

9. Anatomy and physiology (Sharir Vijnan)

Yoga anatomy is the study of how yoga affects the anatomy of the human body, both on a physical and spiritual level, and is one of the most important subjects for yoga practitioners.

Physical anatomy

  • Introduction to the body and body structure
  • Different body planes
  • Anatomical movements
  • Bones of the skull
  • Cervical vertebrae
  • Shoulder girdle, arm bones, and pelvic region
  • Spine deformities 
  • Lower extremities
  • Tendons and ligaments
  • Respiratory system
  • Muscular system
  • Nervous system

Spiritual anatomy

  • Nadis (energy channels)
  • Chakras (energy centers)
  • Kundalini (prime energy and the source of all creativity)
  • Panchakoshas (five layers)
  • Pancha mahabhuta (five elements of the body structure)
  • Tri-guna (three qualities)

10. Yoga therapy

Yoga is not limited to the body but also affects the mind and the soul and hence is a holistic science. Through yoga, the body uses its own natural healing energy to keep the practitioner healthy and free of illness of any sort, be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

In this course, you will be taught to use yoga as a therapy to heal naturally and how to use the therapeutic qualities of yoga through pranayama, asana, meditation, and anatomy. These will be taught in the respective classes and no separate class will be taken for the same. The following will also be taught in reference to yoga therapy:

  • Rules and regulations 
  • Healing through  pranayama,asana, and meditation
  • Therapy for various common diseases

11. Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, believes that the human body is made up of panchamahabhutas, or 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) which create three doshas (Vata, pitta, and Kapha). It is the balance and imbalance of these doshas that make a person either healthy or ill. A yoga teacher must have these basics clear so that he can help the students with proper health management, so one Ayurveda workshop will be provided in the course. The following is what you will learn in the Ayurveda class:

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Features of Ayurvedic treatment
  • Ayurveda and its various diversified areas
  • Ashtanga Ayurveda
  • Ayurveda and its fundamentals
  • Panchamahabhutas (five elements)
  • Kapha
  • Vata
  • Pitta 
  • Know your Prakriti (constitution)

12. Mudra

Mudras are the divine gestures that channel and distribute prana in the body. Most of the mudras are performed by hand. There are hundreds of different mudras and one can have extraordinary benefits if they are performed in the right manner and with proper knowledge. You will be learning and understanding the following in your course:

  • The secret of mudras
  • The position of different elements in your hands
  • The importance of mudra
  • The advantages of mudras
  • Special guidelines
  • Gyan mudra (wisdom)
  • Purn Gyan mudra (complete wisdom)
  • Vairagya mudra (dispassion)
  • Abhaya mudra (blessing, fearlessness)
  • Dyan mudra (meditation )
  • Vayu mudra (air)
  • Pran mudra (prana)
  • Prithvi mudra (Earth)
  • Surya mudra (Sun)
  • Varun mudra (God of water)
  • Shoonya mudra (openness and space)
  • Pran-apan mudra (prana and apana)

13. Bandha (energy lock)

While doing yoga, your body generates a lot of energy, or prana. With mudra, channel this energy and with bandhas, control and maintain it in the body to prevent it from draining. When done right, the bandhas can also help awaken the Kundalini.

In yoga, there are only three bandhas and in this course, you will be learning about them in detail and proper preparatory techniques will be shared so you can perform the bandhas in a proper manner. Here are the things that you will learn:

  • Meaning of energy lock and its importance
  • How the prana gets drained
  • Energy knots and the way to open them
  • Understanding the chakras: Muladhara, Manipura, vishuddhi
  • Experiences of energy locks
  • Benefits and risks of the practices

Practices (for beginners and intermediate level)

  • Agnisar (for uddiyana preparation)
  • Bahir kumbhaka (external retention)
  • Anta kumbhaka (internal retention)
  • Ashwini mudra
  • Vajroli mudra
  • Mula bandha
  • Uddiyana bandha
  • Jalandhara bandha
  • Maha bandha

14. Teaching methodology

It is not enough to learn and practice yoga to be a great yoga teacher. Teaching yoga is an art, as it can change lives so a lot of preparation and skills go into it. A proper teaching methodology will help you with: 

  • The sequence
  • How to avoid injuries
  • Keeping a positive attitude during and after the practice
  • Levels of yoga
  • How to give a meditative experience
  • Balancing and managing the energy?
  • Proper demonstration of the practices
  • Proper way of instructing and guiding a lesson
  • Proper alignment of asanas
  • Proper adjustments with and without yoga props
  • Establishment of yogic personality

15. Alignment

  • Understanding alignment
  • Role in daily practice
  • Balancing prana and chakras
  • Alignment  in five koshas
  • Importance 
  • Aspects of alignment
  • Decreasing the risk of injuries
  • Increase movement in joints
  • Alignment based on different body regions
  • Upper and lower limb alignment
  • Alignment of the torso - thorax - abdomen and pelvis region
  • Head and neck alignment
  • Alignment of the spine
  • Basic alignment postures
  • How to make the body feel at ease
  • Finding the balance between mind and body 

16. Adjustment

  • Understanding the meaning and importance of yoga adjustment
  • Level of yoga adjustment
  • Need and role of adjustment in yoga asana
  • Right techniques of adjustment
  • How and when to apply bandhas
  • Dynamics of asanas
  • Self-adjusting in a posture
  • Adjust others in postures
  • Pre required methods 
  • How to use tools and props to adjust postures
  • Body-weight management during performing the postures
  • Rules and preparations for safety

17. Evaluation and certification

You will get the certification at the end of the course after proper evaluation. The evaluation will be based on:

  • Performance throughout the course
  • Attendance
  • Conduct
  • Practical demonstration of the postures (test)
  • Written tests (objective and subjective)

Sample daily schedule

  • 05:45 Classical Hatha yoga
  • 07:30 Pranayama
  • 09:00 Breakfast
  • 10:30 Yoga Philosophy
  • 12:00 Alternate classes of mantra chanting/teaching methodology/adjustment and alignment
  • 13:00 Lunch
  • 15:00 Yoga anatomy
  • 16:15 Vinyasa Flow yoga
  • 18:00 Meditation and relaxation
  • 19:30 Dinner

The training will be from Monday to Saturday, with Wednesday being a half-day class and Sunday for excursions.


Ashish Rawat

Tanushree Rawat

Shivam Rawat

Yogi Aman Ji

Ravi Bisht

Yogi Raghav

Siddha Ji

Rohit Kumar

Shobhit Ghanshyala

Mahesh Bhatt

Yogi Deepak

Yogi Sushant Pandey

Mandeep Bhatt

Rozee Srichandran




Vinyasa Yogashala is located on Balaknath Road in Tapovan, 22 kilometers from the Jolly Grant Airport (DED). The sacred land of Rishikesh, situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, has a long and illustrious spiritual tradition. It reverberates with the energy of yogis who have meditated for thousands of years and allows you to be surrounded by peace, fresh air, beautiful mountains, and Ganga to facilitate your journey of yoga and self-realization.

Vinyasa Yogashala is situated in the foothills of the Himalayas and overlooking the Holy Ganges River. Vinyasa Yogashala is the perfect setting to fully immerse yourself in the yoga culture. All core teachers are experienced instructors, well trained and versed in all things yoga, asana, pranayama, alignment and adjustment of postures, meditation, and Shatkriya, ensuring all graduates are fully equipped to be successful.

Their core teachers, being international asana champions, are truly the best in the world and will encourage you to be the best you can be, taking your practice to the next level. Vinyasa Yogashala pushes their students to get the best knowledge, skills, and experience from the teachers so they can achieve their own personal goals.



  • Fitness Studio
  • Sauna
  • Spa
  • Dampfraum


  • Klimaanlage in den Zimmern
  • Grillplatz
  • Café
  • Essbereich
  • Garten
  • Küche
  • Lobby
  • Lounge
  • Gepäckaufbewahrung
  • Meditationsgarten
  • Restaurant
  • Rauchfreies Grundstück
  • Yoga Shala


  • Geldautomat / Bank
  • Schönheitssalon
  • Boardverleih
  • Autovermietung
  • Handy Verleih
  • Lebensmittelgeschäft
  • Geldwechsel
  • Reinigung
  • Kostenloses WLAN
  • Friseur
  • Bügeleisen / Bügelbrett
  • Laptop Verleih
  • Wäscherei
  • Bibliothek
  • Medizinische Versorgung
  • Zeitungen
  • Parkplatz
  • Tourenplanung


Special attention is given to food. You would be given proper breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These foods will be vegetarian, and proper attention is given to high-nutritional ingredients. The meals would be catered with fresh fruits, salad, and healthy beverages. You also have the ease of opting for gluten-free food too. It would be as per the needs of the aspirants. Please note you have to inform Vinyasa Yoga Shala as well in time about your choices.

Yoga gives a lot of importance to the food. Ayurveda, being the sister science of yoga, believes that what you eat and the way you eat affects how you function in your actions as well as in your thoughts. Vinyasa Yoga Shala provides Sattvic meals, which is the highest pranic food and is meant to be full of purity and goodness, which allows you to not only feel satiated but makes you feel more energized than lethargic.

The meals are delicious and planned perfectly in accordance with the six tastes recommended by Ayurveda, making the meal balanced and provided at proper intervals. The school follows the concept of vegetarianism, but vegan and gluten-free food are also provided. An Indian vegetarian diet usually includes fresh fruits and juices, vegetables (mostly green), lentils, rice, chapati bread, porridge, oatmeal, and plant-based oils to help you become more peaceful, conscious, and feel lighter.

On Sundays, only breakfast is provided, so the students can explore local cuisines and food culture. The importance of a holistic diet and mindful eating will be explained in detail by your teachers.

Folgende Mahlzeiten sind inbegriffen:

  • Frühstück
  • Brunch
  • Mittagessen
  • Abendessen
  • Snacks
  • Getränke

Die folgenden Getränke sind enthalten:

  • Wasser
  • Kaffee
  • Tee
  • Detox-Säfte

Die folgenden Ernährungsweisen stehen zur Verfügung und/oder berücksichtigt werden:

  • Vegetarisch
  • Vegan
  • Glutenfrei
  • Yogisch
Wenn Sie besondere Ernährungsbedürfnisse haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen diese dem Veranstalter bei der Buchung mitzuteilen.

Freizeitaktivitäten und Sehenswürdigkeiten (optional)

  • A variety of massages at a discounted price
  • Ayurvedic Panchakarma and treatment
  • Healing sessions
  • Cycling
  • Kayaking
  • Exploring local markets and ghats
  • Movie nights
  • River rafting
  • Traveling around the Himalayas
  • Trekking
  • Visiting famous temples and ancient caves

Was ist im Preis inbegriffen?

  • Daily mantra chanting, meditation, asana, yoga anatomy, and yoga philosophy
  • Introduction to Yoga philosophy and yogic lifestyle
  • Learn relaxation and meditation techniques
  • Family-operated school for a family environment and safety
  • Daily fresh and healthy organic vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free meals
  • Detailed content for structured learning
  • Free Astrology Workshop
  • Free Body Movement Workshop
  • Free sound healing / Reiki session
  • Eligibility to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion of the course
  • Freebies: 1 Ayurvedic full-body massage
  • Free pick up from Dehradun Airport to Vinyasa Yogashala
  • 50 steps to the riverside, view of the forest and majestic mountains
  • Ganga Arti and Ganga Puja ceremony
  • The one and only 5-star yoga school property in Rishikesh
  • Sunday activity tour in places like Kunjapuri temple, waterfall, Vasishtha Cave, Beatles ashram, etc.
  • One special session of the most appreciated emotional blockage treatment
  • Receive 5-course books as PDFs in advance of the training
  • 24 nights accommodation

Was ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen?

  • Airfare
  • Personal expenses
  • Drop off from the school back to the airport
  • Ayurvedic Panchakarma and treatment
  • Air-conditioner (additional charges)
  • Visa fee


Empfohlene Flughäfen

Arrival by airplane

Please arrange your flight to arrive at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) or Jolly Grant Airport (DED). Taxi pick-up from Jolly Grant Airport (DED) is included; just let Vinyasa Yoga Shala know of your flight details in advance. For the flights arriving at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL), you can inform Vinyasa Yogashala, and the school will transfer you from the airport for 100 USD (one way).

Arrival by train

There is an option to travel by train from Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL). The train station can be reached by car, and a train can be taken to Haridwar. Upon reaching there, you can hire a taxi to get you to Rishikesh.

Arrival by bus

A bus, preferably an overnight one, is another convenient option to travel from Delhi to Rishikesh. The Rishikesh bus stand is merely 15 minutes away from Tapovan.

Airport: Jolly Grant Airport Flughafentransfer inklusive: Jolly Grant Airport Keine zusätzlichen Kosten. Sie können dies im nächsten Schritt anfragen.
Airport: Indira Gandhi International Airport Flughafentransfer verfügbar: Indira Gandhi International Airport (US$ 100 pro Person) Zusätzliche Kosten können anfallen. Sie können dies im nächsten Schritt anfragen.


  • Eine Reservierung erfordert eine Anzahlung von 30% des Gesamtpreises.
  • Die Anzahlung wird nicht erstattet, wenn die Buchung storniert wird.
  • Der Restbetrag ist am Tag der Ankunft zu zahlen.

Unterkunft und Ausstattung
Qualität der Aktivität
Frühbucher Rabatt
Dieses Angebot hat einen early bird Rabatt von 25%. Sie müssen die Anzahlung vor dem 2025-Mar-31 leisten, um diesen Rabatt in Anspruch nehmen zu können.
25 Tage / 24 Nächte
ab --

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