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Since yoga has been the perfect way to enhance the health and overall well-being of an individual, many people are looking to get into the yoga profession. If you want to become a certified yoga teacher and help people to reach better health levels, then it is important to get an online yoga teacher training certification course. Living School Yoga is located in the holy city of Rishikesh, India offers an amazing online course that you can do from any part of the world.
Students who complete their training, are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (200-RYT®).
The schedule for the live classes in Indian local time (IST: UTC +05:30) is as follows:
Are you ready to turn teaching yoga into reality and touch people’s lives through yoga? Or, are you ready to take your yoga practice to an upper level for your self-practice?
It is the moment to say “yes” to your own body & mind, join this yoga teacher training. This 200-hour online multi-style yoga teacher training course is designed according to 200 Hour YTTC requirements of Yoga Alliance. The objective of the 200 hr yoga teacher training course is to provide you with a solid base of knowledge, practice, and self-confidence to begin to teach yoga and take your practice to the next level.
This course also gives an amazing opportunity to discover your true nature and learn how to live your life mindfully and also with more passion and joy. As you share this journey with like-minded friends, you will get a life-changing experience by all means.
Yoga is all about asanas, asanas and asanas. The favorite part of every yogi is a physical asana. Apart from physical yoga asanas, you will be learning about other asanas that are related to mental health and overall wellbeings, such as hatha yoga, yin yoga, restorative yoga, and more. You will learn every Sanskrit name of the postures, along with their benefits and the right way of doing them. The physical and mental benefits of each asana will be taught well in the online YTT.
There will be teaching about pranayama classes, which include mantras, chants, meditation, and other techniques followed in the yoga tradition.
So being a yoga teacher, it is important to know how to teach students in a perfect sequence. So when it comes to the right yoga asana sequence, it is important to learn yoga methodology. Yoga methodology is a part of online YTT, it is all about how to create yoga sequences for yoga classes. While every RYT has its own techniques of teaching, every YTT course has started a unique teaching style, it is important to develop teaching skills and learn about communication skills along with time management in a yoga class.
You may wonder how 90 minutes fly in a yoga class? It is about time management, and how they put every aspect of teaching yoga in one class. Also, you will learn business aspects of Yoga, to help you in opening your own yoga studio.
The anatomy and physiology sessions include perfect alignment of body parts while doing postures, anatomy of the human body, and learning about nadis and chakras of the body. As a yoga expert or a teacher, it is important to know all benefits and contraindications of yoga postures. So that is why learning physiology and anatomy is important.
Yoga anatomy is all about learning how a particular posture will affect the body parts and which posture is best for which body part.
Anatomy is important in yoga, as it will help you to teach your students how they can develop well-being in case of any health issues with the help of yoga.
Last part of the course, but not least, practicum knowledge. In the 200 RYT Online Yoga teacher training course, you will get a chance to showcase the experience that you have learned so far.
There will be assignments, it is important to finish those assignments to get a certificate from the yoga teacher training course. Assignments also help you to know how much you have learned and whether you are well aware of every aspect of yoga or not.
All live sessions will be recorded daily and will be shared with you the next day for one month. If you can’t attend all online classes you can complete the course in your free time through recorded videos and all teachers will be connected with you throughout this course and guide you in this beautiful journey of yoga.
Ashutosh Mishra, nacido y criado en Rishikesh, está fuertemente arraigado en el Hatha yoga y el yoga terapéutico. Su estilo es una combinación dinámica de secuenciación inteligente y alineación para el cuerpo y el estado de salud de la persona. Obtuvo su licenciatura en ciencias yóguicas. Hizo su máster en yoga terapéutico en la Universidad Sánscrita de Uttarakhand. Después de terminar su maestría en terapia de yoga decidió llevar el manto de la promoción del yoga y ayudar a todas las personas posibles que anhelan ayuda a través del yoga por ser un profesor de yoga. Ahora enseña tanto a estudiantes terapéuticos como de TTC.
6 days meditation workshop with Yogi Vishnu.
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