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Welcome to Samadhi Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh! Kundalini yoga is the yoga of life. Samadhi Yoga Ashram is a perfect place for the advanced studies of kundalini yoga. The 500-hours course is a complete course where it is divided into two parts - 200 and 300 hours. Anybody who is interested can participate in this 500 hours program. If you have completed 200 hours before in any Yoga Alliance-certified school, you can enroll in 300 hours program.
During this training, you will be staying at Samadhi Yoga Ashram in either a shared twin room, a private room, or a private twin room.
These advanced studies courses are open to Kundalini yoga teachers who have completed the 200-hour level of training and who wish to acquire training in specialized areas of yoga instruction and develop their teaching and professional skills. Courses may be taken for personal enrichment or career enhancement.
All those who are in the quest for eternal peace and harmony can take benefit of this 500 Hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh for immense benefits. This not only helps a person to come out of his pre-defined mental boundaries but also opens up his intellect and conscious receptors to receive the bliss of the divine.
Under guided instructions and the influence of the ashram lifestyle, the practitioners can feel a rejuvenated self after completion of this 500 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Certification. All the successful disciples, who complete this TTC can undertake yoga teaching as a career option and spread the essence of yoga worldwide.
This certification program has been designed with acute care so as to make the disciples understand the core essence of Samadhi Yoga and its immense benefits. This program is capable of developing a person at his/ her intellect level awakening his/ her mind to embrace the bliss of the divine. With highly revered Spiritual Masters at Samadhi Yoga Ashram, Rishikesh, we ensure the best teaching and guidance so as to create a yoga teacher in every disciple developing his conceptual clarity about ancient Yogic practices and associated principles.
The 500 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh by SYA has been designed to offer an engaging approach to learning for every practitioner. Samadhi Yoga Ashram emphasizes on practical aspects of Samadhi Yoga in order to reap the maximum benefits of this divine process. With this practical exposure, they also envisage bringing a person closer to his inner peace of mind and lead him/her on an enlightened path of spiritual awakening.
Highly celebrated trainers, who are an integral part of our 500 Hours Kundalini Samadhi advance Yoga Teacher Training Certification program in India, offer the best guidance and teachings to make the principles simple and easily understandable. This simplified teaching process with highly positive results makes them the best yoga school in Rishikesh for 500 Hours of Kundalini Samadhi Yoga TTC.
Join this upcoming program for 500-Hour Kundalini Samadhi Yoga Teacher Training Certification Programs by booking from the calendar as mentioned below. For detailed information about how they operate their programs and courses, you can also refer under-mentioned sections before selecting them as your training partner. Join Samadhi Yoga Ashram today to explore the divine within yourself with a deep-rooted spiritual awakening!
200-hour Kundalini yoga TTC + 300-hour Kundalini yoga TTC = 500 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course. This course is highly recommended for all levels of yoga practitioners as it covers both beginners as well as advanced levels. In the first part, students are given a strong yoga foundation so that they don’t lack with basics of yoga sciences, provided them with the right direction, and right lifestyle with one purpose to love people, serve people, practice asanas, pranayama, meditation every day, teach yoga in order to full fill the purpose of life.
In the second part, students are guided toward advanced practices of yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation to realize an immortal self after completing 500 hours students are fully prepared to share the immortal wisdom of yoga sciences with the world.
500-hour yoga teacher training course is the combination of 200-hour yoga teacher training and 300-hour yoga teacher training course
Therapeutic Mudras
Spiritual Mudras
Vija Mantra of chakras
Sanskrit syllable
Chandra namaskar (Moon salutation)
Vishnu nació en el seno de una familia brahmánica en un pueblo de la región occidental de Odisha. La guía de su abuelo en la meditación le influyó mucho. A menudo se le ve sirviendo comida y agua a los sadhus errantes en el templo de Radha-Krishna, construido por su abuelo, para escuchar sus relatos de viajes de espiritualidad. Ahora es famoso en el círculo espiritual como Yogui Vishnu Panigrahi. Yogi Vishnu ha viajado mucho para dar conferencias sobre espiritualidad, yoga, meditación y fe interior. En la actualidad, está profundamente dedicado a guiar a sus discípulos en el Samadhi Yoga Ashram.
Ashutosh Mishra, nació y creció en la ciudad de Rishikesh, conocida como la capital internacional del yoga, estaba en su gen el disfrutar y explorar el gran arte antiguo del yoga. Está fuertemente arraigado en el Hatha yoga y el yoga terapéutico. Su estilo es una combinación dinámica de secuenciación inteligente y alineación para el cuerpo y la condición de salud de la persona. Fue introducido al yoga a una edad muy tierna. Entonces su padre lo matriculó en la Universidad de Patanjali. Pasó tres años en la universidad y obtuvo su licenciatura en Ciencias Yóguicas. Hizo su maestría en Terapia de Yoga en Uttarakhand.
Sadhu Sri es un renombrado profesor de yoga de la escuela World Peace Yoga que posee un profundo conocimiento de la filosofía gracias a su especialización en filosofía india. Ha estudiado en profundidad el Yoga Sutra de Patanjali, los Upanishads y la literatura budista, lo que ha contribuido enormemente a su conocimiento de la filosofía y la historia. Ahora, durante muchos años, el Yoga Guru ha estado compartiendo su valiosa experiencia de la filosofía con sus estudiantes, junto con la enseñanza a sus estudiantes sobre cómo utilizar el conocimiento en la vida rutinaria del día a día con la ayuda de un enfoque práctico respaldado por el razonamiento.
Yogi Praveen Rajput es un nombre reconocido en el campo del yoga. Ha tenido un viaje exitoso como tutor de yoga y ha logrado varios hitos en el mismo. Yogi Praveen Rajput nació en la tierra piadosa de Rishikesh, y desde niño estuvo fascinado por las bondades del yoga. Desde muy joven desarrolló una pasión por la práctica del yoga. Yogi Praveen siempre ha compartido su conocimiento del yoga con sus amigos y familiares, lo que lo ha convertido en un exitoso tutor de yoga. Praveen ha tenido experiencia y capacitación en varios aspectos del yoga, como meditación y filosofía, relajación, Swara Yoga.
Ambika Devi es el nombre que Guru Vishnu Panigrahi le dio a Victoria Petrovsky en octubre de 2020. Su discípula y humilde servidora, Ambika ha estado sirviendo como karma yogui en Samadhi Yoga Ashram, y con alegría acepta la gran responsabilidad de enseñar la Tradición del Himalaya del Yoga tanto en línea como fuera de línea, cuando surja esa oportunidad. Ambika llama a Rishikesh su hogar, sin embargo, nació en Rusia y ha vivido desde niña en EE.UU. y Australia. Se comprometió con su TTC completo en Samadhi y recibió una licenciatura en Ciencias Ambientales y Diseño de la Universidad de Maharishi.
500 Hour RYT KUNDALINI & TANTRA,200 Hour RYT MULTI STYLE YOGA- Vinyasa and Hatha, Level 1& 2 Cobra breath Teacher - initiated and practiced thru the lineage of Grand Master Sunyata Saraswati, Yoga Nidra & 50 hours of Ayurveda trained, Reiki Level 1 & 2 -direct from the 10th lineage of Dr. Usui, Kundalini & Tantra teacher with Kundalini Yoga Ashram, World Peace Yoga School & Samadhi Yoga Ashram, Kundalini & Tantra Teacher with Profit 28 and Santosha Yoga.
During this training, you will be served daily meals.
Jolly Grant Airport
15 km
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Please book your flight to arrive at Jolly Grant Airport (DED). You can take a taxi from Dehradun Airport (DED) or Haridwar Railway Station for 1200 INR.
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