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This is the only yoga course in the world that gives you complete knowledge of the yoga sciences. Here you will not only learn yoga postures but the school's experienced teachers will introduce you to all sister sciences. After the course, you will feel very knowledgeable, active, balanced, and confident to practice and teach yoga well. At the end of this intense course, you will earn a 300-hour yoga teacher training certificate covering Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa yoga styles with pranayama and meditation.
You need a Wi-Fi connection, computer to download the digital material, computer or phone to connect with the Zoom, Zoom platform downloaded, a yoga mat, a strap or a scarf, two or more blocks or big stable books, a pillow or bolster, a blanket, a clear wall for exercises close to the camera, and a wireless mic or Bluetooth for phone only if the device you enter to Zoom has a Bluetooth connection.
Students are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®) after course completion
There will 6 online live sessions that are held via Zoom. There will be also 120 contact hours and 180 non-contact hours.
World Peace Yoga School Yoga TTC is not only about becoming a teacher. It is also about being a student for life and learning from each and every person and situations in life to upgrade your knowledge and person in the chosen spiritual path.
The school tries to bring out the best in their students. They believe every person is different and they respect the uniqueness of every student. Join World Peace Yoga family and enjoy the bliss of yoga with them.
Join thousands of students from all over the globe who have experienced the true meaning of peace through World Peace Yoga School’s unique and engaging approach to teaching yoga. Whether you are beginning or advanced in your practice, all yoga practitioners are welcome and encouraged to join this month-long program.
This course is created for individuals with aspirations of becoming yoga teachers but is appropriate for any individual wishing to further expand their yoga practice. Cultivate happiness, self-love, and positivity in a yoga program deeply devoted to spiritual growth and understanding.
Throughout the course, you will learn Yoga Alliance-approved curriculum in a nurturing and supportive classroom environment that caters to your individualized skills. The best spirituality teachers of India will share their experience to transform your lives so that you can too be messengers of peace in the world.
You will leave the program with the knowledge, experience, and confidence to become the yoga teacher of your dreams.
The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe. Each mantra is special and rich with spiritual energy.
Alignment, assist, and adjustment
Sitting posture
The practice of mudra hand gestures is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures effects the energy flow of the body and can change a person's spiritual and mental characteristics.
The practice of bandhas expands lung capacity and breathing capabilities during yoga. It also strengthens the entire body from the inside out.
Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental, and emotional tranquility with the purpose of reaching Samadhi (self-realization).
When a yoga practitioner moves through the various internal states of yoga Nidra, a profound experience of relaxation occurs. This is called "Turiya," a sensation of pure bliss.
Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels.
Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during, and after practice. There are two kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Understanding both types is needed.
Yoga philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of vedanta philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.
Patanjali yoga sutras
Incorporating therapeutic yoga practices helps to address various physical, mental, and emotional disorders. Students will learn techniques for combatting these issues through yoga.
A yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At World Peace Yoga School, the students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience.
In this course, you will receive the knowledge and tools to heal the yogic way. At the end of this intense course, you will earn 5 certificates in:
Students will deepen their knowledge of this foundational yoga practice by increasing their knowledge of postures, breathing techniques, and exercises. You will learn how to adapt your teachings to a variety of physical limitations the may be presented by varying yoga students.
In this form of yoga, you will learn how to integrate breath, movement, gaze, and posture to help unify the body and mind.
In this ancient music of Sanskrit chanting you will learn how to calm the mind and purify the heart of your students and yourself.
Students will learn how to incorporate sound into their practice through the use of vibration created by drums and singing bowls to improve physical and emotional health.
In this course, the history of this ancient system of holistic healing will be taught and students will learn how to therapeutically apply techniques to identify Ayurvedic body types and obtain emotional and physical balance.
Yogui Vishnu es el fundador y visionario de la Escuela de Yoga para la Paz Mundial y es un maestro excepcionalmente consumado. Sabe leer la hermosa lengua del sánscrito, ha estudiado ampliamente las escrituras espirituales sobre una amplia gama de temas y tiene su maestría tanto en yoga como en sánscrito.
Naveen ha estado impartiendo entrenamientos para profesores de yoga desde 2015. Ha capacitado a más de 1000 profesores en India y en el extranjero. Gran parte de su trabajo se desarrolla en la capital del yoga, Rishikesh, India. También ha enseñado yoga en China y Vietnam. Naveen tiene un máster en ciencias del yoga y es un formador certificado de yoga prenatal y posnatal. Además, ha completado 500 horas de formación en yoga reconocidas por la Alianza de Yoga de Estados Unidos. Actualmente, Naveen trabaja con una de las principales escuelas de yoga prenatal y posnatal de India en Rishikesh.
Ashutosh Mishra nació y creció en Rishikesh, conocida como la capital internacional del yoga, estaba en sus genes disfrutar y explorar el gran arte antiguo del yoga, y su práctica está fuertemente arraigada en el Hatha yoga y el yoga terapéutico. Su estilo es una combinación dinámica de secuencias inteligentes y alineación para el cuerpo y el estado de salud de la persona. Se inició en el yoga a una edad muy temprana. Su padre lo inscribió en la Universidad de Patanjali. Pasó tres años en la Universidad y obtuvo su licenciatura en ciencias del yoga.
Anita is a 500-hour RYT Kundalini and Tantra yoga and a 200-hour RYT multi-style yoga Vinyasa and Hatha yoga trained teacher. She is also a Level 1 and 2 cobra breath teacher, initiated through the lineage of Grand Master Sunyata Saraswati, as well as yoga Nidra and 50 hours of Ayurveda training. She passed her Reiki levels 1 and 2 and trained directly under the 10th lineage of Dr. Usui. She teaches Kundalini and Tantra styles at Kundalini Yoga Ashram, World Peace Yoga School, and Samadhi Yoga Ashram. She also teaches Kundalini and Tantra with Profit 28 and Santosha Yoga.
Guna nació como Jagannath Dham-Puri (Odisha, India), el 05.06.1991. También es terapeuta de Marma y entrenador de Mallakhamb (Pole Yoga). Guna comenzó la práctica de Mallakhamb (Pole Yoga) con el estilo de vida de Ayurveda hace 10 años. Entre estos 10 años logró muchos éxitos con Mallakhamb (Pole Yoga). Una vez se lesionó pero el Prof. Dr. Madhusudan Ray practicó marma en Guna. Después del tratamiento, Guna aprendió Marma del Dr. Madhusudan Ray.
Sadhu Sri is a renowned yoga tutor at World Peace Yoga School who has a deep knowledge of philosophy owing to his specialization in Indian Philosophy. He has studied Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Upanishads, and Buddhist literature in depth which has contributed immensely to his knowledge of philosophy and history. For many years, the Yoga Guru has been sharing his valuable experience of philosophy with his students along with teaching his students how to use the knowledge in day-to-day routine life with the help of a practical approach backed by reasoning. He has been helping hundreds of students.
Sujata Ray was born in 1993 at Lord God Jagannath's place. She is the eldest child of Madhusudan Ray and Swarnalata Ray. She has two younger sisters and a younger brother. When she was born, the doctor found a small hole in her lung area which is why she suffers from breathing problems. That treatment was very expensive and not guaranteed, so her father took an alternative step. He cured her through naturopathy: acupressure, yoga, and pranayama. After the cure, she took an interest in naturopathy from her 6th class onwards and she saw all diseases were controlled.
Yogi Sunil Bisht, comenzó a aprender la ética y los valores morales bajo la guía de su padre a la temprana edad de 4-5 años. Su padre le enseñó y le hizo practicar el karma y el bhakti yoga desde su infancia. Ha completado su maestría en la Universidad de Garhwal en literatura inglesa. Desde el principio fue un entusiasta estudiante de Yoga. Ha estudiado y practicado Yoga y Ayurveda con diferentes profesores y maestros. Estudió en Kriya Yoga Ashram y ha sido iniciado en kriya yoga por el Swami Shankranda Giri ji. Estudió en Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy en Sivananda ashra
Yogi Praveen Rajput es un nombre reconocido en el campo del yoga. Ha tenido un viaje exitoso como tutor de yoga y ha logrado varios hitos en el mismo. Yogi Praveen Rajput nació en la tierra piadosa de Rishikesh, y desde niño estuvo fascinado por las bondades del yoga. Desde muy joven desarrolló una pasión por la práctica del yoga. Yogi Praveen siempre ha compartido su conocimiento del yoga con sus amigos y familiares, lo que lo ha convertido en un exitoso tutor de yoga. Praveen ha tenido experiencia y capacitación en varios aspectos del yoga, como meditación y filosofía, relajación, Swara Yoga.
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