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If you are longing to take the first step into a deeper journey of inner discovery, this course is a leap into that journey. This program is truly special, not only for its content and practice but also for the loving intention that La Casa Shambala put into every part of it as they live in a community where you will be sharing this whole process with volunteers and team that become a family. The place is based in a permaculture project so you can reconnect with yourself through the understanding of nature and how you can empower yourself through it.
La Casa Shambala welcomes you with nature-hugged, tropical and comfortable 2-person bungalows (equipped with fans), tucked in the lush, beautiful gardens of the property, with ample space for reconnection and reflection.
This curriculum and philosophy are focused on traditional Hatha yoga. As you will learn during the course, Hatha yoga is a way of approaching life, and the asana practice is only one of the eight limbs of the Hatha philosophy. You will learn how to integrate the empathetic and spiritual practice of Hatha into your life, learning how to exist in the spiritual world and the modern-day world we are all accustomed to. Vinyasa is a more modern form of yoga that comes from the Hatha Asana practice. Vinyasa focuses on using breath with movement, harmonizing each movement in the yoga flow with an inhale or an exhale. No two vinyasa classes are the same and we will teach you how to sequence beautiful Vinyasa flows that will embody your unique teaching style.
Besides teaching the Hatha philosophy: this course also puts a focus on teaching traditional Ayurveda; the Ayurvedic diet, learning about your Ayurvedic profile (the doshas), using Ayurveda for preventative health and wellness. As a yoga teacher, it’s important to understand the human anatomy and how yoga influences our bodies on an anatomical level, our course teaches anatomy from its more traditional biological standpoint as well as the conjunction between yogic philosophy and biological principles.
This training is a great mix of Hatha and Vinyasa yoga to teach unification, strong foundations, good alignment as well as moving through posture and breathing.
Not only that, this teacher training includes teaching breathwork and meditation. You can add massages, acupuncture, Tibetan bells, and other healing experiences in your free time at an additional cost and La Casa Shambala encourages you to bring instruments to play during evening Kirtan. Upon completion of this program, you will be a certified yoga instructor.
La Casa Shambala's methods of teaching are interactive, focusing on a fully immersive yoga experience, teaching, and group dynamics. This course includes methods of reflective self-analysis as well as a proper diet. All in a lovely, private Thai-style home.
This will allow you to enjoy and evolve in the perfect environment for your study. Whether you are just starting your journey or if you are a student who is already teaching and wants to deepen your knowledge, this course is perfect. La Casa Shambala prides itself on teaching strong foundations. This course will cover:
The topics in this category include chanting mantras, pranayamas, asanas, kriyas, relaxation, concentration, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques. You will discover guided practices, how to teach, and how to practice those techniques.
The topics in this category include communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries of the body, speech, and mind as well as how to address the specific needs of individuals with difficulties and/or health issues. You will also cover principles of demonstration, observation, assisting, and correcting teaching styles. You will perfect your Hatha and Vinyasa Flow yoga qualities and go over the behavior of a teacher and the student learning process. You will also include instruction on the business aspects of teaching yoga.
The topics in this category include human physical anatomy and physiology, organs, energy system, chakras, and nadis along with their application to yoga practice. You will cover the benefits, contraindications as well as healthy and safe movement.
The topics in this category include the study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts such as the Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Bhagavad Gita yogic lifestyle following the 8 limbs. You will cover proper diet and be understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service as well as being of service to others.
This category covers the practice of teaching as the lead instructor. You will learn how to receive and give feedback and observe others' teaching. You will assist other students while someone else is teaching.
Please note that this schedule is an example only and is subject to change, based on location and in line with seasonal changes.
Sara a été initiée à la voie du yoga et du reiki en 2008 par un ami. Rapidement, le yoga est devenu son mode de vie. En 2013, elle est devenue professeure de yoga, s'entraînant à la sagesse de l'Himalaya, puis a terminé sa formation en reiki. Depuis, elle étudie et explore la philosophie du yoga. Elle dirige actuellement des formations de professeur de yoga et propose des séances régulières de reiki, équilibrage des chakras, guérison par les cristaux et massages. Elle donne des cours de yoga, en se concentrant sur le prana, la force, la relaxation, la conscience corporelle, l'ancrage et le centrage sur le cœur, offerts de manière accessible et ludique, avec dévotion et amour.
Mika a trouvé sa passion dans le yoga en 2005. Aujourd'hui, sa pratique est la base dans laquelle elle puise son énergie et sa force pour toutes les aventures de la vie. Elle aime enseigner le hatha, le vinyasa, le yin, le yoga des fascia ainsi que le yoga thérapeutique des hormones. Mika brille en enseignant la confiance aux nouveaux professeurs de yoga.
Paula est une voyageuse passionnée par l'expansion de l'intégration entre l'anatomie, l'énergie et la croissance spirituelle. En 2013, Paula a commencé un voyage de la guérison holistique et a simultanément commencé sa carrière d'ergothérapeute et sa pratique du yoga. Elle a travaillé avec le neurodéveloppement et l'intégration sensorielle chez les personnes handicapées. En 2016, Paula a découvert le yoga acrobatique et commence à animer des ateliers dans des communautés du monde entier. Elle a complété sa formation dans l'Himalaya indien, est formée au reiki, à différentes techniques de massage, et se consacre à aider les autres à atteindre un mode de vie sain.
Raj, instructeur de yoga kundalini Yoga certifié KRI et membre fondateur de Yoga Unify, a commencé son parcours de yoga après une blessure à la colonne vertébrale en 2009. Élevé en Thaïlande, il est profondément enraciné dans les pratiques sikhs et bouddhistes, intégrant le chant de mantras depuis son enfance. Pendant huit ans, Raj a équilibré l'enseignement du yoga avec les responsabilités familiales et a dirigé des professeurs de yoga communautaires à Bangkok. Il a fondé l’École de Kundalini Yoga (SKY Yoga) en 2018, favorisant un espace d’exploration diversifiée du yoga jusqu’à sa fermeture en 2021 en raison de la COVID-19. L'approche de Raj mélange le yoga hatha et kundalini yoga, tels que façonnés par sa tutelle.
Le voyage spirituel de Radhika, qui a duré deux décennies, a commencé par l'exploration du corps et de l'esprit à travers diverses pratiques de yoga. Elle a étudié de manière approfondie le yoga hatha, vinyasa et ashtanga en Inde et en Europe, se plongeant dans les systèmes énergétiques et maîtrisant le yoga des chakras, le yoga yin et le reiki. Aujourd'hui instructrice chevronnée, Radhika enseigne le yoga dans le monde entier, en mettant l'accent sur l'alignement, la pleine conscience et l'exploration énergétique. Son objectif est de guider les étudiants vers la quiétude intérieure, en exploitant leur plein potentiel énergétique et en embrassant l'unité dans tous les aspects de la vie.
La Casa Shambala is located in the village of Wok Tum on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand. The home is very secluded, tucked away, and surrounded by gardens and lush jungle to offer a real retreat experience and the silence to give you the change to listen to your heart .
Based in a permaculture -community project la casa Shambala offers a simple but nature rich experience with the powerful energy of the jungle .
We want to show you not only what you can practice on the mat , but also how to bring that light off the mat manifesting a world where we relate and create in a different level .
Located in the so called "vegan island" with lots of paradise beaches and like-minded people, Koh Phangan is the perfect place to reset and reconnect .
As quoted from Hippocrates, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," activate your bodies vitality with raw and cooked plant-based diet. La Casa Shambala uses locally-sourced produces to bring your body and mind to life through eating healthy, delicious, living food the way nature intended. The food is created with the utmost love and respect, give your taste buds the permission to embark on this tasty journey.
La Casa Shambala provides an excellent western chef to cook vegan and vegetarian food for you. The menu will vary day by day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all included each day (except on the arrival day where you will get dinner only and breakfast on the day of your departure).
You will be quite busy with this program, but if you still have energy left, Koh Phangan has many beautiful beaches, amazing temples, and adventurous activities such as zip lining, hiking, kiteboarding, wake-boarding, scuba diving, and more.
Also, there are no spa treatments included but La Casa Shambala offers a wide variety of choices to add-on. They can organize various types of massage, body scrubs, facials, pedicure / manicure, acupuncture, Tibetan ball, acupuncture, and more. Please ask La Casa Shambala for more details.
Please book your flight to arrive at Samui Airport (USM). Transfer from and to this airport is available upon request. This will be the quickest way and then take a ferry to Phangan. The ferry will take about 20 to 50 minutes and La Casa Shambala can arrange this for you at an additional cost.
A cheaper method is to fly to Surat Thani Airport (URT) or Nakhon Si Thammarat Airport (NST) and take a bus to Donsak and ferry to Phangan. The bus from either airport and ferry take about 3 to 5 hours and La Casa Shambala can arrange this for you, too. The cheaper way still is a bus and boat from wherever you are in Thailand. Times vary depending on your departure city.
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