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Cette offre fait partie des 10 offres les plus populaires disponibles sur le site
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-growth and development through yoga, on the magical island of the Gods, Bali? To leave behind your previous life, open your mind to new possibilities? Join this journey to shift your perspective, challenge yourself, and your conditioning.
They have partnered with many local homestays within the ricefield area. The homestays are carefully selected as YogaUnion's official partners and specialize in accommodating and hosting students of YogaUnion.
Students who complete their subsequent training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®)
YogaUnion has been delivering yoga teacher training courses (YTTC’s), based on Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow, an internationally accredited program with Yoga Alliance, for over a decade now.
Enchanted by Bali and its energy since the first training they held here, the original founders, Ourania and Spyros decided to call this magical land their new home. Now permanently situated in Ubud, the cultural and yogic capital of Bali.
YogaUnion is currently running 200 hours Vinyasa TTC, a unique and authentic course open to those who want to become yoga teachers, or simply deepen their practice. YogaUnion's shala is located deep in the rice fields, overlooking Ubudian jungle and rice fields, which makes this experience even more magical.
Based on thousands of hours of experience from all over the world, Ourania and Spyros carefully created and shaped the course to deliver the most educational, life-changing experience. The training is designed to challenge and develop individuals at all levels.
This 200-hour course specializes in Vinyasa Ashtanga yoga, with a strong focus on the breath and how to combine it with movement.
With a focus on:
Successful graduates of the course receive an internationally recognized certification by the Yoga Alliance for the 200 hours the standard for Registered Yoga Schools (RYS).
Daily mornings will begin with an hour of pranayama, meditation, and mantra chanting, followed by a Vinyasa flow class. Early afternoons are focused on deep learning of asanas with an emphasis on alignment, adjustments and teaching methodology. You will dive into the theoretical part, studying yoga philosophy or anatomy (alternating days).
The afternoon lessons will be focused on restorative styles of yoga such as Yin, Hatha, Nidra, and specialized workshops. Far from the traditional approach, YogaUnion maintains a very high standard of teaching whilst making their classes extremely fun and interactive.
Early afternoons are focused on deep learning of asanas with an emphasis on alignment, adjustments, and teaching methodology. You will dive into the theoretical part, studying yoga philosophy or anatomy (alternating days).
This 200-hour yoga teacher training program incorporates training hours in the following educational categories and topics:
The themed workshops will cover a wide range of asana keys like handstands, back-bends, inversions, and hip openers.
You will start to teach from day one. The building of the yoga lessons will be gradual and smooth, facilitating everyone to develop their talents. Teaching will also be progressive, starting with one-to-one lessons in the beginning and moving step by step to bigger groups of students ending up in full open classes.
Regular feedback is given by teachers and fellow students about your teaching so that you can improve and find your unique voice and style as a teacher.
Some of the things you will do and learn include:
Himanshu est un instructeur de yoga jeune et énergique spécialisé dans les traditions hatha et ashtanga-vinyasa. Il est diplômé en yoga et de naturopathie. Il termine actuellement sa maîtrise de yoga de l'université d'Uttrakhand Sanskrit en Inde. Grâce au yoga, il veut inspirer les gens à se fixer des objectifs de santé et de remise en forme à long terme et à améliorer leur bien-être. Il enseigne divers styles de yoga, la théorie des asanas, les ajustements et l'alignement du yoga dans des cours de formation des enseignants de 200 heures et de 300 heures depuis 2016 et est un membre apprécié de YogaUnion Bali depuis début 2019.
Après avoir obtenu un diplôme en droit, Aakanksha décide de se mettre en quête de la signification et du but de sa vie. Elle trouve dans le yoga tout ce qu'elle espérait, et trouve l'équilibre et la paix et décide de se consacrer à la concrétisation de son expérience et de sa passion en devenant professeur de yoga. Depuis sa certification 500RYT, elle enseigne le hatha et le vinyasa yoga, ainsi que le yoga thérapeutique, restauratif et yin en Inde, d'où elle est originaire. La passion d'Aakanksha réside dans les pratiques traditionnelles de la méditation, du pranayama et de l'enseignement de la philosophie du yoga. Elle a donc rejoint YogaUnion en tant que professeur principal de philosophie.
Originaire de l'Inde, Gourav a grandi à Rishikesh, le berceau du yoga. Il a donc obtenu une licence en sciences yogiques et qu'il ait complété sa formation de professeur de 500 heures. Son style est dynamique et intuitif, mêlant des mouvements créatifs à une pratique puissante des asanas, tout en se concentrant sur la respiration. Soyez prêts à quitter ses cours avec un sentiment de paix et de puissance. Gourav a commencé à enseigner en 2018, et continue d'approfondir ses études de yoga grâce à une maîtrise en yoga de l'Université Sanskrit d'Uttrakhand en Inde. Sa passion pour la philosophie du yoga et la méditation fait partie de sa vie quotidienne et tisse des liens avec le monde entier.
Menik s'est officiellement inscrite à son premier cours de yoga en janvier 2015 afin de trouver un équilibre entre ses longues heures de travail en tant que médecin à l'hôpital et une pratique pour prendre soin de soi. Cela s'est avéré être une expérience enrichissante sur le plan physique, mais aussi parce que cela lui a procuré un sentiment de tranquillité en pratiquant la savasana. Depuis lors, le yoga est devenu une partie importante de sa vie. Peu de temps après son premier cours, elle a terminé sa formation de professeur de yoga hatha de 200h à l'école de yoga Sama en avril 2016. Elle s'est également inscrite et a obtenu d'autres formations et certifications dans divers enseignements.
Originaire du Pérou, Niko a commencé à pratiquer le yoga vinyasa en 2014 après 10 ans de compétition en aviron. Il aime à la fois le mouvement et la philosophie appliquée. Pour Niko, le yoga marque un tournant dans son parcours de découverte de soi, le moment où il a réalisé qu'il voulait effectuer un grand changement dans sa vi : quitter son emploi en entreprise au Pérou pour commencer sa carrière de yoga. Avant d'enseigner le yoga, Niko a étudié le commerce et a travaillé pour des multinationales. Aujourd'hui, avec plus de 1000 heures de formation, il se spécialise dans le yoga vinyasa, l'alignement et la philosophie appliquée. Niko enseigne depuis 2015 et vit à Bali depuis 2020.
The shala, accommodation, and the restaurant are located in the luscious rice fields, where you can really enjoy the peaceful surroundings whilst being at one with nature. The location is not accessible by cars, therefore feet, bicycles, and motorbikes are only welcome. All rooms are of a similar standard, are designed in a contemporary and authentic Balinese architecture and aesthetics.
During your stay, you will get free Wi-Fi, hot water, private toilets, cleaning service, and fresh towels.
This course includes 20 vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets, from Mondays to Saturdays. Sundays are excluded, as it's a 'day off'.
Breakfast consists of a tropical fruit salad, daily choice of porridge, black rice pudding, or Balinese crepes, all served alongside toast and eggs, as well as coffee, tea, and juice.
The richly-flavored lunch and dinner buffet offers a variety of local dishes, vegetable stews and curries, legumes and grains, as well as a choice of salads. The tasty home-made food is freshly prepared with local and mostly organic ingredients.
For Sundays, you have a choice between numerous restaurants and amazing health food places in Ubud or around the rice fields.
Special food requirements such as vegan or gluten-free diet may be accommodated. If you have special dietary requirements, it's a good idea to communicate it before making a reservation.
The following excursions and activities are available in the area:
Sundays are completely free, allowing for exciting day trips into the stunning tropical nature. It will be an amazing opportunity to be part of life in Bali. The great island of Bali offers a variety of breath-taking excursions. Bali is located just south of the equator, and is one of the 17000 islands of Indonesia. It features lush tropical vegetation, big volcano mountains, and countless beaches with big waves and coral reefs.
You can enjoy surfing in the famous waves of Bali. Other popular beach activities include stand-up paddling, snorkeling, diving, or just enjoying your free time in the sun. The nearby mountains invite for a sunrise volcano tour, hikes to paradise waterfalls, downhill biking, as well as visits to tropical jungle farms, producing cacao, vanilla, coffee, mangoes, and much more.
Ubud is famous for its artistic wood carving and stone work, featuring picturesque temples, art and fashion galleries, colorful markets and exclusive health food dining, as well as stylish spa resorts with tropical swimming pools to unwind. An all-time favorite is the downtown monkey forest with giant trees, temples, and countless free monkeys.
In Bali, you will have the best massage of your life. Please let YogaUnion team organize that for you, just ask.
On Sunday, you will have the possibility to explore the magic of Bali by visiting:
Ngurah Rai International Airport
29 km
Transferts non disponibles
Cars are not allowed on the rice field path on the way to the premises, which is accessible only by foot or scooters/motorcycles. The drivers will assist you with your transportation and luggage should you book the transport with YogaUnion. The rice field path is the main ‘street’ of the area and all of the students’ accommodation, shala, and the restaurant are located there. The neighborhood is peaceful and serene they therefore kindly ask that you’re mindful of this.
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