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Cette offre est parmi les les plus populaires disponibles au Portugal
La Casa Shambala is bringing their teacher training courses closer to Europe and has decided to start with Portugal. The rich nature of South Western Portugal is ready to welcome you for an experience of deep growth and self-discovery amongst like-minded people and the beautiful, secluded rolling hills of the Algarve. If you are longing for a step into a deeper journey of inner discovery, this course is the leap into that journey. The program is truly special, not only for its content and practice but also in the loving intention that they put into its every component.
Each accommodation option is a spacious and beautifully decorated room, either in the renovated early 19th century main house or in one of the newer neighbouring bungalows. Each room has a private bathroom. For this retreat, there will be no private rooms, as each room is shared with one or two other students. The rooms have double and single beds, so the accommodation prices vary based on your preference for a single or double bed, not how many people are sharing a room, as the rooms are evenly spacious and comfortable.
La Casa Shambala is a family, and as a family they have created a story with hundreds of students, volunteers, teachers, and staff members. This story is built on each individual’s experience of walking along a path toward their true essence through the practice of yoga in all its forms.
They hope to welcome you to the family and that you join them in this story. They want you to experience your own inner calm and let this be the guiding light for your future as a yoga teacher. The family keeps growing with beautiful souls from every corner of the planet in this never-ending adventure called life.
Nobody knows when the flower will open, but know this: if only one flower opens in the garden of freedom, it will be a beautiful experience for the whole garden. May you be that flower. May you find through the powerful path of yoga, your true essence.
Students who complete the training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).
Please note that this is an example of the daily schedule and is subject to change.
Each course will have one lead instructor and one assistant instructor, as well as an onsite team leader and supporting staff and volunteers to take care of students and ensure all needs are met.
Teachers may vary month to month due to holidays or teaching at other locations.
Class sizes are small to ensure lots of one-on-one attention for correcting movements, poses and breathwork.
Mika a trouvé sa passion dans le yoga en 2005. Aujourd'hui, sa pratique est la base dans laquelle elle puise son énergie et sa force pour toutes les aventures de la vie. Elle aime enseigner le hatha, le vinyasa, le yin, le yoga des fascia ainsi que le yoga thérapeutique des hormones. Mika brille en enseignant la confiance aux nouveaux professeurs de yoga.
Maite est une professeure de yoga expérimentée, accrédité E-RYT 500 et YACEP, spécialisé dans le hatha vinyasa flow, le yin yoga, le hatha tantra traditionnel et le yoga aérien. Elle partage également ses connaissances approfondies sur les fondements de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise et la méditation en pleine conscience, en animant chaque année de nombreux ateliers et stages. Passionnée par la méditation zen, Maite invite ses élèves à apaiser leur esprit à travers la chorégraphie du corps et de la respiration. Formée à Berlin, Hambourg, en Indonésie et en Inde, sa mission est de contribuer à la connaissance du vrai soi par la pratique du yoga.
Yogi passionnée originaire d'Andalousie, Nuria mène désormais une vie nomade depuis près de 5 ans. Son parcours de yoga a commencé lors de ses études en physiothérapie, où elle a découvert un lien profond entre sa nature sensible et le corps humain. Grâce à la formation de yoga thérapeutique, elle a fusionné sa vocation spirituelle avec ses connaissances, trouvant désormais la joie de se connecter avec les autres par le mouvement et de les aider dans leur cheminement de guérison.
The beautiful hill-topped village of Monchique is an hour away from Portugal’s Faro Airport (FAO). Monchique is a beautifully quiet escape from the rest of Europe and the busier part of the Algarve coast, famous for its healing thermal waters that are now one of Portugal’s most famous drinking water brands.
The location is at the Quintas Algarve, an incredible family-owned project that began 30 years ago. The quinta is a restored 19th-century family home (previously Quinta das Relvinhas), and the gardens of the house now have a saltwater pool, sauna, heated indoor dome shala, outdoor shala, and winter garden conservatory. Throughout the property, there are hidden nooks and crannies to find a quiet moment alone, as well as spaces to spend time with other students and staff.
The quinta has been owned by the Peschke family for over 30 years, who will gladly welcome you in Monchique together with their young and vibrant team. The familial and personal atmosphere of the quinta will make you feel just like at home. Frank and Janine met in 2012, and since then they have been working on the quinta to make it even more beautiful and sustainable.
In the Yoga tradition, food is viewed not just as sustenance but as a powerful tool to deepen our understanding of the body, mind, and spirit and their connection to the natural world. As part of your course, you will explore the role of food in supporting your practice with an introduction to a plant-based, vegan diet—one that is designed to nourish, energize, and sustain you throughout your journey.
The focus of this diet is on whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. These nutrient-dense foods offer a wide array of essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals, supporting your overall health and enhancing your yoga practice.
If you have any dietary restrictions, food allergies, or special needs, please inform La Casa Shambala. They are happy to make adjustments to ensure that your nutrition supports your individual requirements while fostering balance and well-being.
Faro Airport
62 km
Transferts inclus
La Casa Shambala offers free pickups on the check-in day at 12 p.m. at Faro Airport and 12:30 at Faro train station. If students choose to come on their own, everyone should arrive at the venue by 3:30 p.m. on the shown arrival date (first date of the listed course).
The course will end at 12 p.m. on the last day listed on the course.
Pour cette offre, vous pouvez effectuez votre réservation sur BookYogaTeacherTraining.com. La plupart des cartes de crédits sont acceptées.
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